I've seen hundreds of ppl, sounds horrible I am sure, but that's facts. Hundreds. So I've fucked up, flaked out, flipped out, and everything else a hooker can do...... but I'm real. And compared to the great times I've had hookering, the bad times aren't even close to amount of times I've done well. So ppl say what u want. I got my regulars, and they are gold to me. Friends actually. If I was able to make everyone happy I would be deemed Saint Z..... like mother Teresa or something similar. It's not even realistic. I love seeing pls comments tho, on that fake ass review. Lol gosh I wish I could comment so bad. It's killing me.
I have never had the pleasure of meeting Z but I will always give her or any other woman that advertises on here the benefit of the doubt because no matter what you think of her or other ladies they bust ass trying to make a living.
Most of us get up go to a job that we have had for years and never think about all the bullshit these women endure just to make a living.