The most misspelled or misused word on ECCIE...

JustMe68: Thank you for the English lesson today. I never knew why it is "ist" vs. "est" but have always just known which is correct.

I also got a laugh out of you throwing in some political commentary in the midst of your rant about poor grammar and misspelling. Originally Posted by shoedawg
Thank you, kind sir. Happy to oblige! Any other subjects you'd care for me to pontificate about? I got a million of 'em. ;-)
LazurusLong's Avatar
'Discrete' means: Separate or distinct and applies mostly toward ideas
'Discreet' means: Tactful or prudent and tends to be applied toward people.

It's "I am very discreet", not "discrete". Originally Posted by Dannie
A trick I learned for making sure how to spell these two words.

Note the word Separate in the first instance.
The proper word there is discrete AND the two "e's are separated by the T

Simple trick that helps remember the proper spelling and word choice.
How about "masterbate". Although they may be very proficient at it, it's "masturbate"!
The_Seeker's Avatar
CFS spelled BBFS?
JustMe68 -

I love you!
Lauren Lane's Avatar
Ha, I caught myself the other day in a post spelling discrete instead of discreet. And as I was reading the other postings I kept thinking. Hmmmm. Went back to change it and could not. I think at least two other people made the same error. LOL.\

My peeve word is a lot.. Not alot
Braveheart's Avatar
Now that it's all coming out in the open, I have a pet peeve as well.

A lady puts out an ad and says she has "Blonde" hair. Then I went to see her and it should have been spelled "Brunette" ... I mean, WTF???

Worse is when it says "Clean Shaven" ... you go there and it should have been spelled "S T U B B L E" --- ouch!

Is this what the OP meant by missed spellings?
There still is a Provider on this board that types "ARE" in place of "OR" but since she is so beautiful, we won't mention anything. lol
I love you Safire muahhhhhh

wHaT rEALLY pISSeS mE oFF iS wHeN i sEe tYpE lIkE tHiS.

Some other words/masking that come to mind are:
r = are
suk = suck
fork = fuck
wut = what

ad vs add
But it okay to add to an ad?

still smilin'!
ca1962's Avatar
The typos or misuse of words don't bother me too much. What really gets to me are the long 30-line diatribes with absolutely no structure. No sentences, no paragraphs, complete misuse of punctuation (if any), random upper/lower case and for good measure some confusing smiley faces and lols sprinkled thoughout. After trying to read the first two lines, I want to punch my monitor.
Dannie, had no idea that "discrete" and "discreet" had two different meanings...thanks.
Bobave's Avatar

Independent - when everyone knows they are pimped. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Oh yeah...
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
Dominant vs. Dominate.

Dominant is what someone is, dominate is what someone does.
luv2luv's Avatar
How about when folks simply make up a word? "Conversate" isn't a word, folks. It's "converse". The only thing you do saying "conversate" is illustrate your ignorance while trying to look educated. Just say "talk" if you don't know how to spell.