Encounter: Galactical Goddess Christy

jokacz's Avatar
Show me a hooker without issues and I'll show you a hooker that is boring as fuck.
Great fux comes with a whole lotta BSC.
Miss Julie. Man that girl could fuck.
You guys are forgetting the other girl that couldn't handle her Firewater...
rooster's Avatar
Sounds like someone else I used to know. Gettin too old for that now. Originally Posted by FlyboyNY
Yeah....I only made THAT fucking mistake once. She ended up falling on her coffee table and smashing the glass top, then throwing a buncha shit. Whew. I bring out the best in folks.

You guys are forgetting the other girl that couldn't handle her Firewater... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Nope. Plenty of us be dismembering her right in this very threAd...

rooster's Avatar

that being said she is a good looking woman with a great body.... Originally Posted by tinyisgreat
Ackshully...she's showin her miles. Not as toned as she used to be, fer sure. Though still not bad, you coulda broke boards over that ass and she wouldn't have even flinched. But her face... is starting to look kinda strange...

(so is mine, tho..)

jokacz's Avatar
I think her body is better than ever, for a few years she was overweight.

Though Russian is now problematic.

As far as her face goes, the zits are gone, which has to be an improvement.

Zollner's Avatar
Have fond memories of both Christy and Julie but then always made sure to see them early in the afternoons before they hit the bottle. Miss them unsolicited specials.
She’s super close to me but I’ve given up. Her “my shit don’t stink” attitude in her reply texts and her ads make her unworthy of my time and effort. Plenty of fish in the sea.
What jimmie mafia said