Originally Posted by BigDeal
Interesting string filled with hypocrisies up the ying yang!!!Well said bro.
Most of us who have been doing this for a while can recite, to themselves with a large shit eating grin, a list of names of very, Very, VERY popular ladies in the past who did the VERY same thing over and over and over. Even now, mentioning ANY of these ladies will bring smiles and fond memories to even more. And the possibility of disease was no less the threat then than now.
So, why exactly is this woman getting beat up? LET IT GO!!! Frankly, the fault should go with the reviewer! I've always considered the act a privilege, not a right of passage. With privilege, comes trust! Trust is obviously not the prized commodity it once was. Not EVERYTHING needs to go into a review.
My 2¢! Originally Posted by dumars
! I've always considered the act a privilege, not a right of passage. With privilege, comes trust! Trust is obviously not the prized commodity it once was. Not EVERYTHING needs to go into a review.
My 2¢! Originally Posted by dumars