What do you prefer???

bojulay's Avatar
Green two piece and pigtails should be mandatory from now on

Provider new rule
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 09-26-2019, 12:24 PM
Done up with some effort to look your best is probably a good idea, guys say they don't care......they really do
goodolboy's Avatar
Look like the girl in the pictures please.
I like the braids, enjoy lipstick if it tastes good. Not married so do not have to worry about smells so love a lady wearing a nice smelling perfume.
Tiffany, after spending lots of quality time with you the past 10 years, you are a delicious sexy dish no matter how you serve yourself up.
Everyone has their own preferences and i'm always intrigued to know what your thoughts are....
  • Makeup or No Makeup?
  • Hair up or down?
  • Blonde, brunette or red hair?
  • All Natural or Fake?
  • Sexy lingerie, yoga pants or a nice dress?
  • Heels & Tights or Just Legs & Heels?
What do you like better? Why?

Hello to all my admirers out there!
Originally Posted by Tiffany Tyler
hair down
natural color
all natural
sexy lingerie
just legs
  • CD69
  • 10-14-2019, 07:00 AM
1. Some make-up, it shows you care (or at least the impression) and not just collecting a check and I hope that didn't sound rude.
2. Start up and then take it down, taking it down with me is sexy as hell and say's it about to get real.
3. Hair color doesn't matter as long as it's a natural color - I'm not into having relations with a smurf or a alien.
4. Depends, frankly I've experienced great and bad both ways. Prefer not pierced I hate the taste of metal.
5. I prefer dress, skirt, something I can run my hands up - panties are a must; I like to unwrap my own presents.
6. Always bare, heels are fine as are others as long as they look good. Again, appear as though your give a shit isn't busted.

P.S. We've never met, but you look beautiful. Of the 3 supplied photos my preference would be number 1. A dress I can run my hands up, just enough makeup, hair is partially up at least enough that the clip or band can be taken out and provide freedom to run my hands through your hair and kiss your neck and ears.
Tiffany Tyler's Avatar
Thank you guys for your individual thoughts. Its is always interesting to see what my admirers have to say! And i see a couple of my biggest fans on here and you definitely know who you are... (not naming no names... LOL) thank you! Cant wait to see what others think!
I like it ALL but, what i like MOST, is NOT on the list.
The cover of the book is great but, I want to read the story.

Her attitude towards me
Her eagerness to please
Show Her Passion and kinky side

Well said Copier!
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Not all spray tan with do this ask any one who's seen me if they leave tanned after ?
All I can do for you is give you my personal preferences, gorgeous!

1. Little or no make up is best for me. I prefer a natural look with slight make up enhancement. More of being yourself! Just no pancake foundation or caked on ruby red lipstick - what a turn off! And what is with a brand new spray on tans that just smear all over you, me, the sheets, clothes???? Either tan or don't! Spray tan is just body make up smeared all over you.

2. This one is easy! Meet me at the door with your hair down... First impressions for men are very visual. Fixed is great / down and wet from the shower is okay too. If you want to tie it up BCD for the more physical activities - that is fine with me. I like it down during the active parts of a visit personally. But taking the time to tie it up BCD, in front of me, sends a message that you are wanting to and ready to get very busy! Know what I mean?

3. Hair color? Whatever you feel make you more sexy. I don't care for red for some reason. Maybe old girlfriend experiences! I love blonde and brunette alike! Both equal.. What I can say is - nothing like me running my fingers through your hair, only to find a wade of prickly extensions or have an extension fly off in the middle of the heat of the moment! That certainly puts a pause in the moment! LOL

4. Saggy / droopy real - no matter how big they are - is a complete turn off. Young, perky, stand at attention - real if great. If not, I'll take the fake every time. Grab my hands and shove them on them to let me know how proud you are of them! A giant handful of dead, real ones will never beat a tiny mouthful of perky fake ones!

5. Save the nice dress for going out. Lingerie or tight yoga pants that show everything is prefect. You pick the right lingerie or the "show everything" yoga pants for our quiet visit - I will make sure you have the opportunity to wear the nice dress on the extended / "go out" next visit!

6. Another easy one. Just legs and heels! Make sure the legs are shaved and the heels are sexy! A real man will take the time to notice and admire a truly sexy pair of heels, and the effort you put into selecting them - we just don't want to take the time and effort to peel you out of a pair of tights! LOL

I hope this helps you out! PM me if I forgot anything! Originally Posted by Et Tu 4Fun