Suggestions please..----double dates & donations

When I did doubles, we offered a discount, but we required a 90 min minimum.
Why? because it's hard to do everything we want to do to a guy in just an hour. ^_^
But the discount was because neither of us did ALL the "work" and both of us really liked an excuse to play together.
first off if a guy really wants to do a double ..he should be willing to pay for it and if one provider is xx.5 and the other is xxx a double should be xxxxx.5 reguardless who gets the money..thats up to the gals how they split dont feel bad about it happens and a guy has to realize he has to pay the rate for each gal....but if you want to be nice enough to lower the rate ..hell im game ill let you do it everday!!
Lil Red's suggestion is good too..

and I love those yellow socks you go mama!!!!

Thanks yall!!!!

ask for the equal rate and don't worry if you get turned down...what else can you do?

good point--I try to do that...sometimes it works...sometimes it does not! Originally Posted by DallasRain
A compatible doubles partner would likely understand. It's not like you just pick a lady at random for doubles.....right?!? And if the guy is trying to arrange a particular doubles session, isn't he well aware of the rates from each....and don't you have this discussion well before the session?!? Seems like you might be over thinking it a little....You have a rate, she has a rate, he has a choice....yes or no....let's get naked!!
Still Looking's Avatar
A compatible doubles partner would likely understand. It's not like you just pick a lady at random for doubles.....right?!? And if the guy is trying to arrange a particular doubles session, isn't he well aware of the rates from each....and don't you have this discussion well before the session?!? Seems like you might be over thinking it a little....You have a rate, she has a rate, he has a choice....yes or no....let's get naked!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
I agree!
DallasRain's Avatar
good points--thanks!
Redwolf's Avatar
When two ladies each charge $250 and together they charge $400 for doubles, it suggests to me that they really enjoy doubles and encourage them with the discounted rates. I have had some ladies tell me that doubles dates are less work for them. I can, however, imagine that some ladies would disagree with that.

When they charge $500 (double their single rates) or even more, I don't get the same sense. I could just as easily have two single dates for the same rate. In my mind, perhaps they are more 'bi' for pay.

Ladies doing doubles with different regular rates will have to work out something which will make each happy: split the doubles rate equally or give more to the lady who regularly charges more.

Do two ladies really want to and enjoy working together or are they two random ladies that a gentleman picked to double together?

There is the consideration of potentially being able to share the cost of the Incall. One benefit is that a lady can introduce clients to her friends and vice-versa.
Dee I would want to pay both ladys the same amount. I ask what their time is worth and if one is xxx and the other is xx.5 then it is only fair to pay each xxx. Should I ask if both would consider playing with each other? I never gave that a thought.
DallasRain's Avatar
the clients are asking ME to pick the doubles partner...99% of the time it is my regulars they are used to paying my rate and i feel bad asking them to pay more....and i don't feel right asking the girl to lower her rate......I usually ask what the other girl charges,but 9 times out of ten it is too high for the client

It also goes for the girls..I get emails from other girls wanting to do doubles....but they want ME to set the calls and I am using my incall{so they don't have that expense}..and when I do so,at MY rate,they get upset....there are a few times the girl will be willing to "bargain",but not many

I am not meaning to offend any one .....she charges what she wants,I charge what i want...but I feel a double should be equal rate for each girl

{I just feel that I am caught between a rock & a hard place}

If they were not my regulars ,then i would not worry about it.
Nine times out of town,I end up just doing it solo...
Redwolf's Avatar
If you feel that a double should be equal rate for each girl, I suggest finding a girl that you like to play with who already has your rates (or close enough) or one who will adapt for a double with you. And guys that want a double should expect to open wider their wallet twice as much more or less.

The dilemma in short: The girls that you seek for your doubles charge more. They don't want to come down and you don't want to charge more because these are your regulars used to paying your usual rate and you want both girls to receive 50/50.

Good news Dallas. I was under the impression that the Highway to Hell had enough energy to be like a doubles date anyway.

It is my belief that ladies that want to play together and have a lot a fun will adapt to make it happen. These are the ones that I want to be with.
DallasRain's Avatar
quote---Good news Dallas. I was under the impression that the Highway to Hell had enough energy to be like a doubles date anyway.

It is my belief that ladies that want to play together and have a lot a fun will adapt to make it happen. These are the ones that I want to be with.

lol--DITTO!! Thanks!