Hillary says Gabbard is another Putin plant!!!

bambino's Avatar
The Clintons have taken more money from the Russians than 50 politicians combined. Plus, Putin, China, Iran, NoKo have her emails. She’s a puppet for many. Complete scumbag.
LexusLover's Avatar
Where are the HillaryLovers on here who voted for her in 2016?
Sex change post-op?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The only normal horse in the democrat stable and Hildabeast thinks SHE’S the Russian, not the 10 or so actual communists. I wouldn’t vote for her because her domestic policy would wreck the country, albeit more slowly than the other bunch of loons, but she sure is hot and quite bright for her age.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-19-2019, 09:53 AM
Clinton is still pissed a Jill Stein and is trying to blow Gabby from doing any of that Green Party shit. That Green Party hurts the Dems.

I'm hoping Hitler's Ghost runs to pull some of you right wing nut Trump supporters from voting for the Donald.
winn dixie's Avatar
Watching the dems destroy the only half honorable candidate is to be expected. Thats what they do when a person doesnt fit their socialistic platform. Kinda sad because Gabbard never had a chance.
And i too would fuck Gabbard.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
matchingmole's Avatar
Ben Garrison is to cartoonists as Pablo Cruise is to Rock
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Ben Garrison is to cartoonists as Pablo Cruise is to Rock Originally Posted by matchingmole

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Maybe Hillary will melt like the Oz wicked witch due to the Uranium One deal.
Clinton is still pissed a Jill Stein and is trying to blow Gabby from doing any of that Green Party shit. That Green Party hurts the Dems.

I'm hoping Hitler's Ghost runs to pull some of you right wing nut Trump supporters from voting for the Donald. Originally Posted by WTF
I think Gabby should run as a Green Party liberal woman of color - checks all the boxes.

If Hitler's ghost ran that would be a Russian plant.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I think Gabby should run as a Green Party liberal woman of color - checks all the boxes.

If Hitler's ghost ran that would be a Russian plant. Originally Posted by friendly fred

is gabby green enough???
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Hillary is a russian plant that went sour on the Russians.

she must be pissed that the russians aren't sending their love her way.
So basically you're saying that any party that hurts the Dems is going to be labeled Russian. Got it.

Clinton is still pissed a Jill Stein and is trying to blow Gabby from doing any of that Green Party shit. That Green Party hurts the Dems.

I'm hoping Hitler's Ghost runs to pull some of you right wing nut Trump supporters from voting for the Donald. Originally Posted by WTF
I think Gabby should run as a Green Party liberal woman of color - checks all the boxes.

If Hitler's ghost ran that would be a Russian plant. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Go Green!!