John McCain and POW coverup

  • oeb11
  • 12-03-2019, 09:20 AM
Never met a DPST who did not slaver over "reparations"

They do love that stuff!
Chung Tran's Avatar
It is clear that a war across long supply lines, in a country far away where One cannot tell friend from foe - is a losing war. The American Revolution, Afghanistan, and Viet Nam are prime examples of that - One cannot impose a foreign rule on indigenous peoples in such situations.

Viet Nam and Ho wore out the Americans - despite superior weapons systems. . Originally Posted by oeb11
I think the US didn't understand the resolve of Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Cong, and probably didn't realize how difficult conducting a War from 7,000 miles away would prove to be, despite the obvious lessons of the Revolutionary War. Vietnam plays the "long game" (like China), and Vietnamese Leaders knew by 1967, that the War was won after protests in the US began in earnest. Nixon got Anna Chennault to pledge support to the South, if they would reject the peace plan set up by LBJ.. promising military support, that barely materialized. the North knew Nixon was an Opportunist, so they agreed to a Bullshit cease-fire 4 years later, knowing they would re-group and take the South soon enough.

the nixon impeachment inquiry may have been a factor. he resigned in 1973.

should Vietnam get reparations as promised in 1972 paris deal? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Nixon resigned in 1974.. Watergate wasn't a factor. saving face was.. after the 1972 Christmas bombings, he wanted to look triumphant, like he had forced North Vietnam's surrender. he won the election based on a phony promise (just like 4 years earlier), he had what he wanted. Vietnam has received plenty of aide over the past couple of decades, it's time to put the past in the past, and move forward.. Vietnam did, a long time ago.
......after protests in the US began in earnest...... Originally Posted by Chung Tran
the hippies would gather, at least 5 strong on the quad

led by john, a 35 year old who had been taking a class or so a semester for 16 years or more

they'd gather near the fighting stallion sculpture

and then the cowboys would come

pressed wranglers and long sleeved cowboy cut snap front shirts, boots and hats blocked just so

200 cowboys would surround the 5 protestors, the rest of us would just look on as we walked by
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
because Nixon and Kissinger were so eager to get a Deal, however phony. Nixon's election in 1972 hinged on getting a Peace Deal, they had to make it appear as if the North Vietnamese capitulated. was it any surprise, that after the Nixon Administration caved on that issue, that Saigon was toppled 2 years later, with barely any resistance? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
It could also be that the democratic congress held up funding.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Oeb11 and CT funny how history comes back around "Nam" is a good example of failures with policy
hurricane786's Avatar
John McCain was a North Vietnamese agent? Give me a fucking break. McCain put up with more pain and suffering when he was a POW than anybody here who's never suffered from an extreme health condition. He was a hero. Unlike Cruz and Rubio, he exhibited a little backbone when confronted by Donald Trump so people trash him even after his death. Originally Posted by Tiny
