How serious is outings an anonymous legally protected source?

eccieuser9500's Avatar

The law prohibits officials within government agencies from taking adverse personnel actions against you for blowing the whistle on misconduct such as gross waste of funds, gross mismanagement, abuse of authority, or illegal activity. ... Federal officials may also be disciplined for retaliating against a whistleblower.

The law prohibits officials within government agencies from taking adverse personnel actions against you for blowing the whistle on misconduct such as gross waste of funds, gross mismanagement, abuse of authority, or illegal activity. ... Federal officials may also be disciplined for retaliating against a whistleblower. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Where in there is the anonymity guarantee?
HoeHummer's Avatar
Picking nits, it seems. Everybody knows it’s chickenshit dangles, boys. Even Nixon had more class than that, eh.
Picking nits, it seems. Everybody knows it’s chickenshit dangles, boys. Even Nixon had more class than that, eh. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
LOL. It's not picking nits when it's the difference between a legal and an illegal action(as you seem to have alluded to it being an illegal action).

This is how the Dems dug themselves the hole they are in today. Just not liking Trump or what he says isn't enough to claim wrongdoing.

TDS is blinding I guess.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Not my pig, not my farm, good buddy. Your colostomy bag of a President loses his fucking mind, it’s everybody’s business, eh?

I stands on my previous statement. Rob Ford has more class, and he’s dead.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

Where in there is the anonymity guarantee? Originally Posted by eccielover
That's not my point. I agree a whistleblower is not guaranteed legal anonymity. Not witness protection. He's guaranteed freedom from retaliation. The president broke yet another law. He's a lawless president with the highest ranking law enforcement officer as his public defender. Very simple. Very sick.

The idea of his office retaliating against a lowly government clerk with the tweet is Shakespearean. Not quite biblical.
The president broke yet another law. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
I think I missed what law the POTUS broke from your rant.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I think I missed what law the POTUS broke from your rant. Originally Posted by eccielover
Rant? The law specifically prohibits retaliation. It's the last sentence.
Rant? The law specifically prohibits retaliation. It's the last sentence. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
So now you need to cite what retaliation as stated in the law?

If mentioning his name is considered retaliation by you, then you are sadly misguided.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
So now you need to cite what retaliation as stated in the law?

If mentioning his name is considered retaliation by you, then you are sadly misguided. Originally Posted by eccielover
The president made it even harder for his security detail. That was an adverse personnel action. It's just hard for you to understand.
The president made it even harder for his security detail. That was an adverse personnel action. It's just hard for you to understand. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Harder for whose security detail? And what proof do you have of that?

Sounds like sour grapes that the POTUS is retweeting something and you want to restrict the POTUS's rights in doing so with some totally vague bullshit butt hurt accusation.

Just say it, you don't like what Trump did. But you can't for the life of you or the OP find where there is any illegality in it.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Trump would retweets the bountys offered by the faithful on the whistleblower. With 60 million followers, do yous think he’d be withouts culpability?

Yous are picking nits while Trump is burning down your house. Hope you find some.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Harder for whose security detail? And what proof do you have of that?

Sounds like sour grapes that the POTUS is retweeting something and you want to restrict the POTUS's rights in doing so with some totally vague bullshit butt hurt accusation.

Just say it, you don't like what Trump did. But you can't for the life of you or the OP find where there is any illegality in it. Originally Posted by eccielover
I showed you where he broke the law. But it has to be enforced. Just admit it.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Read the 6th amendment.
Budman's Avatar
3/4 of this Forum will forgive and ignore any and everything Trump does.. don't bother them with facts or reason. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

But HRC is not POTUS. That trumps everything you fucking libs have to say. We had to put up with 8 years of Obama and I hated that POS. Now you fuckers only have 5 more years to hate on Trump. Keep on whining bitches.