Don't Fuck With President Kong

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  • 01-03-2020, 03:30 AM
Trump in 2011

"Obama will start a War with Iran to get reelected..."

The power and history of Twitter!!
I do find the timing of this strike "interesting", but Iran did everything but slap POTUS right in the face. A replay of Benghazi 2012 was not going to happen under his watch, and Iran had to know that. It will also be interesting to see what actions Iranian allies Russia and, especially, China take, given the "Phase 1" trade agreement that is supposed to be signed later this month between the USA and China.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Big brass ones. Heh...
LexusLover's Avatar
Don't Fuck With President Kong

"Protecting Foreign U.S. Diplomats & Staff and U.S. Property Overseas 101"


LexusLover's Avatar
Good stuff! What’s next? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
For you Thong Removal 101. For the CIC it depends on Iran.

Yesterday's Lesson to Iranians #1 should have demonstrated to you that Trump's balls are bigger than your FAV POTUS.
bambino's Avatar
LexusLover's Avatar
Winning Originally Posted by bambino


I've heard that Geraldo Rivera was showing his whiney ass this morning asserting that we shouldn't be killing our "friends" based on the terrorists cooperation with eradicating ISIS in Iraq. Rivera never seemed to have World History (as it related) to when a country is a "friend" and when a country (turns into a foe).

Since he's an Italian he really ought to know better.

LexusLover's Avatar
I do find the timing of this strike "interesting", .... Originally Posted by SecretE
Yes, I do as well. Same day the Marines arrived and caught his sorry, terrorist ass on the way to the airport in a convoy also containing the #2 asshole, terrorist for a twofer. Perfect timing: He had just gotten out of a meeting "COLLUDING" with locals on attacking U.S. diplomats and U.S. servicemembers/contractors on top of the estimated 600 U.S. servicemembers who he helped kill along with 10's of 1,000's of civilians in Iraq and Syria!

Sorry, you got all choked up about it, but no "boots" were lost in offing him and we didn't have to violate Iranian airspace to send his ass to fuck virgins between rock breakings.

Since he was wearing his favorite ring so he could be identified it was obvious his arrogant ass believed all you AntiTrumpers and "ASSUMED" he wouldn't have to be identified before he got out of town, because he believed you all that Trump doesn't know what's he's doing and is a total fuckup!

Enjoy! BTW: Are there any HOT Hetro female providers in Austin any more or are the HOT ONES all Bi now?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Well GOOD , The way I see it we the US can be a World power or not , If not then lock the borders . The nancy and chuckie show of course is upset because he didn't ask them,,,,,
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Who wants their kids and grandkids back in the Middle East fighting in Iraq? Originally Posted by WTF

Ima thunk'n it's a choice between a home game versus an away game. If it was my choice, I would let them have the home field advantage - to make it more sporting.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 01-03-2020, 08:00 AM
Winning Originally Posted by bambino
You now think another war in the ME is winning?
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  • 01-03-2020, 08:02 AM
Ima thunk'n it's a choice between a home game versus an away game. If it was my choice, I would let them have the home field advantage - to make it more sporting. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Awwwww...yes because the Bush Jr war in Iraq went so damn well !
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  • 01-03-2020, 08:04 AM
Our ChickenHawks are out in force today!

Maybe Trump gave them a heads up to buy Defense contractors stocks...

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
You now think another war in the ME is winning? Originally Posted by WTF
The US didn't start it.
But the current CIC knows how to deal with it.

Personally, I think a heavy nuke should be dropped on that mountain that the Iranians have their nuke research facilities under. Maybe the Ayatollah can learn how nukes actually work firsthand.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-03-2020, 08:17 AM
The US didn't start it.
But the current CIC knows how to deal with it.

Personally, I think a heavy nuke should be dropped on that mountain that the Iranians have their nuke research facilities under. Maybe the Ayatollah can learn how nukes actually work firsthand. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Another ChickenHawk weighs in...