Encounter: Emma Mae delivers

Ask for papers wtf does that mean
Ask for papers wtf does that mean Originally Posted by Maxpain
You never got tested for stds???
Anyone know whats going on with the new warning ad for emma?

http://albany.skipthegames.com/femal...a/601347182676 Originally Posted by DenTek

Very unlikely this is someone’s wife. More likely a monger who got herpes or hpv from her.
I agree....asking for papers is not a term a recently cheated on wife would use........sounds like a competitor too me
Hobby1750's Avatar
No one is showing papers (results are digital now). I've never used nor heard that term. I get tested often, but realize there's always inherent risk with the hobby. My advice would be NEVER do BBFS. NEVER. NEVER. NEVER. NEVER. Unless you're trying to put a ring on it or procreate.

If you've never had an STD before, you shouldn't be in the hobby. I've never been burned by a provider, but that could be because I've already been inoculated to all STD's from when I was young and dumb in my pre-hobby days.

I don't know how guys brag about bbfs cream-pies. My conclusion: a lot of mongers are fucking retards. There's no safe way to bbfs. I get with an inordinate amount of hawz - I'm a full-blown functioning addict - and NEVER do bbfs. I've never had an issue from any haw. But I'm not a paragon of good health anyways, so the joke always is, "I'm not worried, HIV would only be my sixth most concerning health ailment."
christ hobby you put it like that I gotta tap out.. maybe I should revisit the hobby 20 years down the line or if I get diagnosed with stage 4 cancer lol. the main reason I can't get pull the trigger on the hobby is the thought of std's lol.. im guessing you have to be a card carrying carrier of at least the herps
christ hobby you put it like that I gotta tap out.. maybe I should revisit the hobby 20 years down the line or if I get diagnosed with stage 4 cancer lol. the main reason I can't get pull the trigger on the hobby is the thought of std's lol.. im guessing you have to be a card carrying carrier of at least the herps Originally Posted by Funtimes44
Anyone participating in the hobby especially the girls more likely than not have herpes and hpv most don’t know it they’ll never have symptoms, condoms only offer partial protection from it. HIV you are statistically very unlikely to contract from even unprotected heterosexual intercourse as a man unless you’ve got open sores on or around you dick. If you choose to do bbfs, you WILL definitely get the clap or gonorrhea at some point. You will most likely get crabs. You run a significant risk of contracting hepatitis. Aside from Russian roulette it’s one of the most dangerous games you can play.
Anyone participating in the hobby especially the girls more likely than not have herpes and hpv most don’t know it they’ll never have symptoms, condoms only offer partial protection from it. HIV you are statistically very unlikely to contract from even unprotected heterosexual intercourse as a man unless you’ve got open sores on or around you dick. If you choose to do bbfs, you WILL definitely get the clap or gonorrhea at some point. You will most likely get crabs. You run a significant risk of contracting hepatitis. Aside from Russian roulette it’s one of the most dangerous games you can play. Originally Posted by The Etruscan
..HPV.is also transmitted orally..A provider can be TOP NOTCH ....Her immune system can be fine..Yours could be Compromised for some reason and you will end up with it.. They say between 60 and 70 percent of the Population, have had it..or have it or carry it..