Where are those Articles Of Impeachment?

Jaxson66's Avatar

As for Bolton, why should I care now? The House didn't even deign to subpoena him so obviously it wasn't a big deal to them to ram through the bullshit articles they passed.

And I have no problem if the House chooses to try to revisit this and call Bolton. It simply shows how weak the current articles are. The House played a hyper partisan dangerous game and are going to lose in the end. Originally Posted by eccielover
They didn’t subpoena Bolton after he lawyered up with Cuppermans attorney...why waste the time.

Bolton was in the room when the perfect call took place. Let’s hear what he has to say. It’s going to be in his book soon so it’s not going to be kept secret.
They didn’t subpoena Bolton after he lawyered up with Cuppermans attorney...why waste the time.

Bolton was in the room when the perfect call took place. Let’s hear what he has to say. It’s going to be in his book soon so it’s not going to be kept secret. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
So they knew they were on the losing side of pushing that one.

It's always going to be some excuse for the left. How many have testified that were supposedly going to bring Trump down.

I remember a whole thread on Lewandowksi, how he supposedly perjured himself and it was going to be over. How'd that all work out.

Delaying the articles is just another ploy in a game Pelosi is eventually going to lose. Hell at this point, even if the push Trump out in the next several months, which is a very low percentage chance, he will have served the majority of his term.

Much more likely is Senate acquittal and at pretty even odds him being re-elected.
The trial is going to be in the Senate. How can the House subpoena witnesses?
HoeHummer's Avatar
So yous aren’t interested in what someone with “first hand” informations has to offer?

Sounds like ostriches to me ... allegedlys.
LexusLover's Avatar
How many voters would like to hear what Bolton has to say? It’s a big number ..... Originally Posted by Jaxson66
... For Bolton's sake I hope he doesn't lie. It would be the end to an otherwise decent career and he'd only be qualified to be a pundit on CNN.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-07-2020, 04:18 AM
... For Bolton's sake I hope he doesn't lie. It would be the end to an otherwise decent career and he'd only be qualified to be a pundit on CNN. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You mean like when he said he resigned/quit and Trump said he was fired?

You mean like those kind of lies when you don't know who is lying but you know someone is.
rexdutchman's Avatar
nancy put them in her ass to keep them hot,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
nancy put them in her ass to keep them hot,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Originally Posted by rexdutchman
I would have thought that would have freeze dried them.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-07-2020, 07:44 AM
nancy put them in her ass to keep them hot,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Nancy put them in Trumps ass.

You think Trump wanted to do this Iranian thing.

He did it to kiss Senators like Graham and Rubios ass. They have Trump by the balls as long as there is potential for a trial. Trump has all the power once a trial is over.

Some of you haven't thought this through....Senators have all the power right now. It only takes 4 GOP Senators to have this trial go really bad for Trump.
Nancy put them in Trumps ass.

You think Trump wanted to do this Iranian thing.

He did it to kiss Senators like Graham and Rubios ass. They have Trump by the balls as long as there is potential for a trial. Trump has all the power once a trial is over.

Some of you haven't thought this through....Senators have all the power right now. It only takes 4 GOP Senators to have this trial go really bad for Trump. Originally Posted by WTF
You are certainly the one not thinking this out. He was far more likely to lose 4 GOP Senators by doing this than by remaining inactive and not doing his duty for the United States.

Take a deep breath and think it through. Keeping the status quo would have kept things largely in check. Doing this would have really given him no benefit other than it's the right thing.
bolton said the same thing to the house.. .before the impeachment was final...that he would testify if subpoenaed and the courts ruled in the house intelligence committee's favor

now he says this:

“The House has concluded its Constitutional responsibility by adopting Articles of Impeachment related to the Ukraine matter. It now falls to the Senate to fulfill its Constitutional obligation to try impeachments, and it does not appear possible that a final judicial resolution of the still-unanswered Constitutional questions can be obtained before the Senate acts,” Bolton, who was ousted by Trump last September, said in a statement.
“I have had to resolve the serious competing issues as best I could, based on careful consideration and study. I have concluded that, if the Senate issues a subpoena for my testimony, I am prepared to testify,” Bolton said.

the difference is:

since the house has completed its impeachment without waiting for a judicial decision, and

since the house dims didn't wait to obtain all the testimony and "evidence" and

since its now in the senate's hands,

bolton now says he will testify if subpoenaed, which is no change from before,

the only change is....due to the timing, it will take too long to wait on a court decision

its most likely mcconnell wont subpoena witnesses and do the house's work, so most likely bolton is a moot point
  • oeb11
  • 01-07-2020, 08:24 AM
Nasty Pelosi's "Trump is an 'existential threat to America" stance has changed since she has not evidence to present.

Now desperate to have the Senate carry her house responsibility for investigation and presentation of evidence in the Articles of Impeachment.

Now it is not such an existential threat - usual DPST hypocrisy

Some in the Senate are planning a summary dismissal of the Articles before transmission - if it ever happens.

I think a more prudent Senate move is to sit tight - and have a Senate trial based on the non-partisan rules of 1999 Clinton trial adopted 100-0 by the Senate then.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Fucks sake, boys. Why don’t they just get on with it. Let your Senate whitewash the thing and voters will ousts the fucking lot of them in November?

Bolton will tell his story one way or the other. And yous will call him a liar, like yous have any room to judge the fucking truth, eh?

Trump is a verifiable piece of shit, as is McConnell. More evidence comes to lights every day. Your Senate wants to ignores it, they’ll be complicit in the corruption. Most of them are pieces of shits, too, eh?

And so are those who supports the Trumpholians regime.

Keep chirping Yanks. The rest of the world knows yous are better than this. Or at least, yous was.
Fucks sake, boys. Why don’t they just get on with it. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Tell it to Nancy, the rest of us are indeed waiting...
HoeHummer's Avatar
When your Senate whitewashes Trump, Will hostilities with Iran cease?