Testosterone-less Trump’s Plan....

You Trumptards still don’t get it. Aside from the fact that I purposely go out of my way to bait you all, like a school of brainless Pirannah’s, when I toss red meat topics into your cesspool where you all feed and form your political fantasies but factor this: Trump:1. Is a coward who used wealth and privilege to dodge the draft with the bone spur farce 2. This leaves him morally and pragmatically unqualified to send any American into harms way, the majority of those serving are from blue collar backgrounds without a rich, connected daddy. 2. The taking out of this top figure was a ruse to deflect from the Impeachment issue. 3. Would not be in office if Russia/Putin had not installed him there even after he lost the popular vote by 3 million plus - see the hypocrisy? I doubt it but here we go: He loves the loophole in the Constitution that drops his rancid body into Office via the electoral college but pushes aside other Constitutional norms that do not favor him and his hate filled, corrupt ideas and dictums. Summary: Your boy is not fit to be CEO of Roto Rooter let alone the Commander in Chief of America! Originally Posted by Solemate62
LOL...This from the guy who can't count to 4.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 01-08-2020, 05:33 AM
You Trumptards still don’t get it. Aside from the fact that I purposely go out of my way to bait you all, like a school of brainless Pirannah’s, when I toss red meat topics into your cesspool where you all feed and form your political fantasies but factor this: Trump:1. Is a coward who used wealth and privilege to dodge the draft with the bone spur farce 2. This leaves him morally and pragmatically unqualified to send any American into harms way, the majority of those serving are from blue collar backgrounds without a rich, connected daddy. 2. The taking out of this top figure was a ruse to deflect from the Impeachment issue. 3. Would not be in office if Russia/Putin had not installed him there even after he lost the popular vote by 3 million plus - see the hypocrisy? I doubt it but here we go: He loves the loophole in the Constitution that drops his rancid body into Office via the electoral college but pushes aside other Constitutional norms that do not favor him and his hate filled, corrupt ideas and dictums. Summary: Your boy is not fit to be CEO of Roto Rooter let alone the Commander in Chief of America! Originally Posted by Solemate62
Don’t you have some toes or bone spurs to chew on? You are so eat up with an infection of hate. I bet your ear hair is burning down Australia.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
What does this have to do with one of the top terrorist in the world sent to meet his harem of fruits?? Originally Posted by bb1961