BD I have to disagree with you here. I've been back and forth between KC and neighboring cities within a day's drive over and over. KC sucks. It's night and day. I would and have spent a day in a neighboring town just to get some good company, and it was everything I hoped.
Saying KC is fine when it sucks is excuse making that adds to the problem. This is an info exchange board where we come to get accurate info when all the ads are full of bs and games. The trend of quasi shill reviews around here does not help matters. Bitching and posting FUCK NO reviews does help. That is how we do control the problem.

I look for the NO reviews, and when I find them I skip the gal with the bad review. Problem solved! More sugar for the sweethearts that deserve it.
Hi BeautifulBecki78!

And to all you lovely local ladies on here my rant pretty much excludes eccie members, it's just been slow around these parts!
People like him and others keep bitching about something they cant
Control and comparing KC to every other city. It makes zero Eccie's traffic has surely slowed and other sites popping up with the demise of Backpage. All of a sudden KC is this backwoods place to play with providers...its such bullshit.
KC as does most every major city has beautiful women...they just arent all hookers!
Ya think St Lou or OKC or Omaha have a poor selection or is it isolated just to KC?
Fuck no.
Look ive been blessed to have lived east coast to west coast and border to border in my life and I dont know bout ya all but its everywhere!!
Think there are zero ugly or bbw providers in Dallas or Miami? Bullshit!!
If ya dont like KC providers take your family and fucking leave...bitching about it here aint gonna gonna make a difference, the Organization of hookers USA aint gonna say "well shit the guys are bitching lets send em a bus full of new young hotties" Just to shut you bitchin about it up!
Fuckin get over it or move the fuck out on KC...yi yi yi!!
Originally Posted by BigDeal