Does this site serve a purpose in the new era

Depurefymii's Avatar
This site is working for me. It helps me keep track of who I saw and who I still need to see.
This site can be a tremendous asset to all if used as such. As an old guy who used to be very active in the hobby, it provided valuable information on who to visit and who to stay away from.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The reviews here have always covered a wide range of providers from other sites because not many providers have really used this as an advertising venue for years.
This is because, unlike the site you ran, geriatric land whales are called out as such without the review disappearing, never getting posted, or the poster getting textually assaulted by the moo moo brigade and it’s surrogates.
This site can be a tremendous asset to all if used as such. As an old guy who used to be very active in the hobby, it provided valuable information on who to visit and who to stay away from. Originally Posted by Looker151

It is. We've got an eclectic mix of degenerates here and the "who to avoid" shit works both ways.

Honestly, it's my absolute favorite shitposting site
Good input and there is some information between the lines.

Why I don’t do reviews.
A good review means a girl will get a million texts and not all from the nice gentleman on this site who see girls but the ones who have a different mission in life. Her rate will go up LOL. A bad review gets white knighted in minutes to the girl who then gets upset for no good reason it’s its honest and does not hurt her business.

There are those who want to find info on other mongers and will text the girl if friends and say who told you they are going to review you or told you they did and tell me about him.

I was asking for input and got several negative responses. The overall tone is one reason this site is good to a point only.
I can do reviews and do them when I feel a provider deserves one. Don’t like to take business away from any females trying to make a living or what not.
WHAT!!! That's crazy talk!! If you leave you'll miss all of Gabrielle's pearls of wisdom!
WHAT!!! That's crazy talk!! If you leave you'll miss all of Gabrielle's pearls of wisdom! Originally Posted by Charley3
I was thinking of leaving too. But you just changed my mind.
The more I think of it, The OP has a point. I’ve seen a girl or two here that I’d like to see but I have one current reference and not willing to share personal info. I’m not bitching...just the way it is so I use sa.
Gabrielle's Avatar
I just come here to troll Bambino...since he was so upset I didn't invite him to a party...gotta make sure I don't hurt his feelings.