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You guys know what a low life scumbag trump is but I guess he is someone, other than the money, the power, and a father who guaranteed him success, you can relate to.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

I don't relate to Trump in any category. As a matter of fact, I don't like the guy and wouldn't want to spend a second in his company. What I like are his policies and I have the biggest smile on my face hearing about all the court battles he is winning and how Sotomeyor and "little RGB" are literally losing their minds.

Maybe the biggest policy promise Trump made to the electorate concerned immigration and he is succeeding beyond our wildest dreams. He just got a favorably SC ruling on denying funds to sanctuary cities. Holy crap, never thought that would happen but he promised he would and he kept his promise. This sanctuary city crap is right at the top of my list of priorities and I'm thrilled that Trump is keeping his promise on this.

He is moving us, along with the help of the justices he is putting on courts all over the country, to a merit based immigration system, a system most other countries employ.

A Democrat friend of mine who likes to send me articles about how bad Trump is ( I forgive him because he is a great friend ) sends me one of some fool complaining that Trump "doesn't even write his own speeches" as if any President does.

I try to explain to him that people like myself, could care less whether he writes his own speeches or even if he believes what he is reading and whether he conducts himself in ways that I would not approve us. He is a President, who sets policies, policies I agree with and especially when I see the policies the Democrats are pushing.

I have no choice but to vote for Trump because I love this country and don't want to see it fail which it will do under the leadership of the Democratic party.

It is as simple as that. I don't relate to Donald Trump, I relate to his policies and the decisions he is making. I look at all the things Democrats forgive "their people" for doing and I come to the conclusion that if they are going to give a pass to the people they want to see in power, then I will to. I would rather not but I have no choice, none.

And as far as all these spending proposals Sanders is putting forth, AOC is out there, on the record, saying don't worry about any of these promises because there is no way in hell the Congress will pass any of them. How's that for rational on why one should vote for Bernie Sanders "because he won't be able to fulfill a single promise". I think I'll put that on a bumper sticker.
Doesn’t Trump own a university? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Trump university wasn't accredited so it doesn't count.