Buttigieg is out!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Bloomberg is a thoroughly unlikeable person. That was obvious in the debates. Blacks and Latinos won’t vote for him. Pin your hopes on him Mr Political savant!!! Originally Posted by bambino

so .. he's the male jewish version of Hillary?

apparently, there is a pressure campaign behind the scenes.

question is.. is it nasty or nice. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
It's hard to say. I think you have to look at their shoes to determine if it's nasty or nice, lol.
apparently, there is a pressure campaign behind the scenes.

question is.. is it nasty or nice. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
My guess is Vice President ish.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I think there is a lot behind the scenes. but a little too late.. much of Cali and Texas had voted before Biden's win Saturday.

I saw a lot of Steyer ads today, even as he dropped out yesterday.

Bloomberg is as uninspiring as Bernie is inspiring Bernie is the only candidate that can go toe-to-toe in a debate against Trump, IMO.. call him Commie, Socialist, whatever, it's water off a duck's back. by the time June arrives, those terms will be beaten to death, and lose much of their sting.

some of the pundits are already counting out Bloomberg, even as he hasn't been on a ballot yet. he will do better than Biden on Tuesday.
Good...next should be Amy then Warren but that bitch will stay to be Bernie's attack dog.

Biden and Bloomberg should continue until on until the brokered convention and then Biden should step aside and let Bloomberg pummel Sanders. Originally Posted by WTF
Followed by the entire minions of Bernie Babies walking out of the convention, followed by 30% of the Democrat Electorate staying home in November.

It’s 1968 all over again. The Democrats are in a no win situation.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Followed by the entire minions of Bernie Babies walking out of the convention, followed by 30% of the Democrat Electorate staying home in November.

It’s 1968 all over again. The Democrats are in a no win situation. Originally Posted by Jackie S
very similar to 1968.. indeed.
... he will do better than Biden on Tuesday. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Which states will Bloomberg do better than Biden? AR? OK? Do you really want the Dems to pin their hopes on a consistent 3rd place finisher who "used" to be a Republican?

... The Democrats are in a no win situation. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Agreed. Sanders would be a disaster. Biden would be a disaster. Bloomberg would mean millions for the DNC but in the long run...a disaster.

The Dim's only hope is that President Trump dies of the Corona virus.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Which states will Bloomberg do better than Biden? AR? OK? Do you really want the Dems to pin their hopes on a consistent 3rd place finisher who "used" to be a Republican?

Agreed. Sanders would be a disaster. Biden would be a disaster. Bloomberg would mean millions for the DNC but in the long run...a disaster.

The Dim's only hope is that President Trump dies of the Corona virus. Originally Posted by gnadfly

from this???? bahahahahah

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Which states will Bloomberg do better than Biden? AR? OK? Do you really want the Dems to pin their hopes on a consistent 3rd place finisher who "used" to be a Republican?

Agreed. Sanders would be a disaster. Biden would be a disaster. Bloomberg would mean millions for the DNC but in the long run...a disaster.

The Dim's only hope is that President Trump dies of the Corona virus. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Do you have any FACTS to back up your OPINION that either Sanders or Biden would be a disaster in the November election?

Do you have any information that you would share that would lead anyone to believe that Trump will win more electoral votes than he did in 2016? Or that Trump will win the popular vote?

Will Trump win Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Florida, and Arizona as he did in 2016? By very narrow margins other than Arizona. If yes, what information do you have to support your OPINION?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-02-2020, 06:30 AM
Followed by the entire minions of Bernie Babies walking out of the convention, followed by 30% of the Democrat Electorate staying home in November.

It’s 1968 all over again. The Democrats are in a no win situation. Originally Posted by Jackie S
If the market is still down come November...even Bernie may have a chance!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-02-2020, 06:34 AM

Will Trump win Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Florida, and Arizona as he did in 2016? By very narrow margins other than Arizona. If yes, what information do you have to support your OPINION? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I do not think Trump will win Mich or Penn...if the market has not recovered I doubt he wins Wisconsin or Florida.

It is just too far out to make an informed opinion as to what will happen...too damn many variables.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-02-2020, 06:39 AM
Bloomberg is a thoroughly unlikeable person. That was obvious in the debates. Blacks and Latinos won’t vote for him. Pin your hopes on him Mr Political savant!!! Originally Posted by bambino
You think Trump is likeable?

You think blacks and Latinos like Trump?

Bloomberg has the money to influence the middle of the road voters.

Like he did in the 2018 mid term.

Remember that election where all you bozos said the Dems would not take back the House?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I do not think Trump will win Mich or Penn...if the market has not recovered I doubt he wins Wisconsin or Florida.

It is just too far out to make an informed opinion as to what will happen...too damn many variables. Originally Posted by WTF
I agree with your last statement but almost all Trump supporters think the election is already over -- Trump by a landslide. Nothing matters.

Overconfidence can be a killer. Just ask Hillary Clinton.
  • oeb11
  • 03-02-2020, 06:48 AM
SR - valid point!
rexdutchman's Avatar
True that,,