Feel free to not click the link I shared

Stop spreading misinformation without sources. This virus is 10-15x more deadly than the deadliest flu. 3 weeks Italy was fine now they are complete lockdown, would they do that for the flu? Do you have any idea how much $$ they're losing on tourism and everyday economics would they and or have they done that for the flu, of course not. Also anyone that is considered obese is at high risk obese in many cases is only 30-40lbs heavier than your target weight which is most working men over 40. What people do not realize is this is only the beginning this will get bad before it gets better. All it takes is one and it will spread and unfortunately as you can tell from this thread there are many weak links in our community chain smh Originally Posted by 915Trucker
The irony in your first sentence is comical
The irony in your first sentence is comical Originally Posted by abqspencer
Not as comical as liking your own post, look I understand you're single (not by choice), childless (not by choice),without any friends (again not by choice) so this virus doesn't really effect you and if you did catch it and not recover there would be no loss but many of us are cared for and care for others. But keep on believing your government because they would never tell a lie
Not as comical as liking your own post, look I understand you're single (not by choice), childless (not by choice),without any friends (again not by choice) so this virus doesn't really effect you and if you did catch it and not recover there would be no loss but many of us are cared for and care for others. But keep on believing your government because they would never tell a lie Originally Posted by 915Trucker
Wtf are you going on about?

I didn’t like my own post.

Nor are any of those other statements true.

At least I’m not the one trying to finger AMP girls without their consent...and you seemed quite proud of your “method”. Wow. Honestly didn’t think you’d be back posting after that debacle.