Biden Lies about not confiscating Weapons

Redhot1960's Avatar
Grand Pa tough guy wants to go outside. This is elderly abuse. LOLing all the way to KAG2020!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
i smell Originally Posted by Jaxson66

take a shower. and this time use soap
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
biden is a gaffe machine... he aint' gonna stop doing what he does best...

sink his ship. bahahahahahaha!
  • oeb11
  • 03-10-2020, 08:50 PM
j666 is so fixated he cannot understand Facts.

One thing j666 did get correct - Firefighters have and do save lives and put themselves at risk in their duty - One they choose. I do respect our cops, firefighters, and teachers.

Unfortunately - the Fascist DPST elite hate cops - and encourage their welfare recipients to shoot at ambulances and teachers. Remember the national outrage at the people dmping buckets of water over the heads of on duty NYC cops - who were forbidden to respond to the assault by the mayor DeBlasio??? That DPST Elite! DeBlasio wonders why the crime rate is spiraling out of control in NYC - he and his policies are the cause. Including open borders and a pass for MS-`13 gangs and their crimes.

J66 should just please try to remember where firefighter expertise ends - it is at 4 years college, 4 years medical school and 3-8 years residency - plus fellowship training of 1-2 years. And yearly continuing education.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Funny but sad and true to is word ar-14 or 15 fuck just all the guns so we can do to you what we want, now where my pudding
HoeHummer's Avatar
I finds it particularly amusing when Trump sycophants criticize anybody for gaffes, bouts of speech impairment or loss of composure.

Keep complainings shitholians. Your whining is musics to the ears of the world.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Funny how some people don't understand the word coming out of the politico s mouth , my question is are people that stupid I mean like Forest Gump morons ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
HoeHummer's Avatar
Stupid is as stupids does, Rexsy.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Predictably irrational responses