Reason to delete an account

PODarkness's Avatar

Threads and even reviews have a shelf life. As noted in this forum now and then, threads about race are numerous and would it hurt if the thread starter handle was deleted and it would appear a the first reply started the thread? Not so much.

I have seen at least one review where the handle that created the review was deleted and it made the thread in the Review forum look strange but because searching for that provider wouldn't return that in most cases, so what.

If a user, provider or client, really needed their hobby presence gone, guesting is not the same but the owners of this site have decided to follow in the footsteps of ASPD and don't delete handles when requested, they guest them.

Could be a numbers game where bragging rights as to number of handles is important and based on the board wide contest to see who can guess when the site hits 100,000 members, that seems to be the criterion rather than protecting a member who asked their posts be removed.

I almost forgot about when I DO know ASPD would remove all traces of a member.

An AA provider in Houston died of AIDS. Her handle was deleted and all posts she made went with that. ALL reviews were immediately deleted and any and all mention of her name were scrubbed.

They didn't want anyone to be black listed for seeing her because of how she died. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
I know it's possible, and just the other day I ran into a thread like you describe, where the OP was gone. Take away the original post and it's weird, but if the thread has many posts that have been removed, it becomes unreadable.

I don't agree that threads have a shelf life. If they did there would be no reason for the ASPD threads forum. I'd say it's more like a "half life", because the value never hits zero.

There are always the exceptions to the rule, and it seems like that's how management sees it with not deleting profiles. I just can't get my head around the idea that the guesting, disabling, and rarity of erasing is about something as trivial as member statistics. I don't know, but it's not my choice for most likely reason.

Edited to add...
Speaking of weird, the appearance that you answered my post hours before I posted it, is a great parlor trick. It took me a minute to figure it out.
What about when you never created an account and a client created an account on your behalf without your knowledge? Should there not be some type of guidelines for not reviewing unawares providers?

Actually, a quick Google search will show that a handle on vbulletin CAN be deleted and all of the posts will also be deleted.

IF the thread was started by someone, if that handle is deleted, the 2nd poster to the thread will become the thread starter.

There is actually a function to remove handles that have been created and have not logged in for a period of time. I always wondered why it was never used on ASPD and it appears that function is not used here either and given the contest to see who can guess when the site will reach 100,000 members, maybe there is some reason why handles that have been created and never logged on or logged on once 2 years ago are still here in the member list. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
I know ASPD that feature was broken. Due to all the customizations Amber made, deleting a user and their posts fucked the threads all to hell.

The few sanitations that took place had to be manually done which is why it was very rarely done and not offered as an option.

I suppose they continued by convention here and move all the users info and posts to a staff area. I am sure mass move works here unlike ASPD.

The staff unfortunately does not always know who the bad boys are and let them guest and create handles out of goodwill. I don't think they would knowingly do it for a hobbyist who behaves badly in the community. Of course, like the NSA, we do not know how many they catch hat we do not know about.

Another reason someone may change their handle is not so much to hide, but to lower their profile. Their is some social climbing here. always has, always will be. Some eventually realize the folly of such behavior and simply wish to start over and who they choose to befriend or fuck is their own business.

I support publicly announcing when a bad boy or girl changes her handle to hide from previous bad behavior. They do not deserve the extra anonymity if they pose a threat to other members because of their business ethics.

Wishing all well.
Three year old thread bump by a provider with only that one post? Odd.

...Interesting topic though.
DownForWhatever's Avatar
Three year old thread bump by a provider with only that one post? Odd.

...Interesting topic though. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Good catch! Makes ya' wanna say hmmmmm??????
no glove no love's Avatar
What about when you never created an account and a client created an account on your behalf without your knowledge? Should there not be some type of guidelines for not reviewing unawares providers? Originally Posted by Jessence
Go up to questions for staff and request it be disabled for the reason you just stated.
pyramider's Avatar
What about when you never created an account and a client created an account on your behalf without your knowledge? Should there not be some type of guidelines for not reviewing unawares providers? Originally Posted by Jessence

I believe the standard is if the provider advertises reviews are fair game.
+1 Bloodhound, regardless of past posts/reviews are's going forward I assume.