Hotrod511's Avatar
this whole deal is overblown media driven bullsiht. for political self-aggrandizement by the Democrats. like impeaching Trump. in your biased eyes and the majority of the media nothing Trump could do would have been satisfactory. ban travel and declare a national emergency 3 weeks ago? you'd yell he was overreacting. do it now once the scope is more known? you claim he acted too late. in reality he's taken measured steps based on a bunch fucktard chinks who knew about this shit in November, tried to cover it up. let it get out of the country and go global and only then in late December did they spill the beans and only because they had to.

why has Iran and Italy been most affected? and South Korea? because them chinks tried to keep the lid on this. in the meantime travel freely happened to all these countries. Iran is in bed with China for oil .. in defiance of the sanctions on Iran, btw. Italy to a lessor degree and South Korea is a tourist destination and trade partner. so them stinky chinks let people come and got for nearly two months.

that's the reason for all of this shit. you rambling about Trump is false equivocation just because you hate him. a rational voter in November won't blame Trump for this and know that measured steps are the best approach rather than chicken little and "the sky is falling" bullshit. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I doubt a mental midget like Lumpdog will understand anything you just said !
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I doubt a mental midget like Lumpdog will understand anything you just said ! Originally Posted by Hotrod511

well i'll give Spacedog a brief opportunity to reply. after that too bad as i don't usually reply to threads started by he who i ignore.

"I don't always ignore posters but when i do it's HoeHummer Trudeau" - TWK
Lapdog's Avatar
this whole deal is overblown media driven bullsiht. for political self-aggrandizement by the Democrats. like impeaching Trump. in your biased eyes and the majority of the media nothing Trump could do would have been satisfactory. ban travel and declare a national emergency 3 weeks ago? you'd yell he was overreacting. do it now once the scope is more known? you claim he acted too late. in reality he's taken measured steps based on a bunch fucktard chinks who knew about this shit in November, tried to cover it up. let it get out of the country and go global and only then in late December did they spill the beans and only because they had to.

why has Iran and Italy been most affected? and South Korea? because them chinks tried to keep the lid on this. in the meantime travel freely happened to all these countries. Iran is in bed with China for oil .. in defiance of the sanctions on Iran, btw. Italy to a lessor degree and South Korea is a tourist destination and trade partner. so them stinky chinks let people come and got for nearly two months.

that's the reason for all of this shit. you rambling about Trump is false equivocation just because you hate him. a rational voter in November won't blame Trump for this and know that measured steps are the best approach rather than chicken little and "the sky is falling" bullshit. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Bullshit. As usual, you don't know shit from Shinola, whacko. Anybody who votes for this moron is not rational, and they well deserve what they get.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Bullshit. As usual, you don't know shit from Shinola, whacko. Anybody who votes for this moron is not rational, and they well deserve what they get. Originally Posted by Lapdog

as usual you cry "bullshit" and don't quack .. er .. back it up. so back it up. prove yer point spacedog .. if you can.

i could already take you out by proving my points but i'll be magnanimous and let you try to prove yours first. see what a fair and rational guy i am?
Lapdog's Avatar
as usual you cry "bullshit" and don't quack .. er .. back it up. so back it up. prove yer point spacedog .. if you can.

i could already take you out by proving my points but i'll be magnanimous and let you try to prove yours first. see what a fair and rational guy i am? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
"Take me out"? You couldn't even take a shit without your momma to wipe your ass.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
"Take me out"? You couldn't even take a shit without your momma to wipe your ass. Originally Posted by Lapdog

your response proves my point. nothing but "i hate trump" rhetoric. and mommy jokes. how sophomoric of you. and exactly how i programmed you to respond. and yous took the bait.

still waiting for yous to prove your point.

might take awhile. maybe i'll go grab a burger in the meantime?

i like Wendy's. how 'bout you?
Lapdog's Avatar
still waiting for yous to prove your point.

might take awhile. maybe i'll go grab a burger in the meantime? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yeah, get you a nothing burger, junior. That's all you got.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yeah, get you a nothing burger, junior. That's all you got. Originally Posted by Lapdog

still can't prove your point. still jabbering too. when will you grow up?

i could make a mommy joke .. butt i won't.
Lapdog's Avatar
Thank you, vapid poser.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Thank you, vapid poser. Originally Posted by Lapdog

do you have a valid point to make or not?

still waiting on you sweet pea.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
why has Iran and Italy been most affected? and South Korea? because them chinks tried to keep the lid on this. in the meantime travel freely happened to all these countries. Iran is in bed with China for oil .. in defiance of the sanctions on Iran, btw. Italy to a lessor degree and South Korea is a tourist destination and trade partner. so them stinky chinks let people come and got for nearly two months. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

regarding Italy, its a hotspot because a number of Italian business went bankrupt and sold their businesses to chinese businesses. China with E.U. approval sends about 100,000 chinese to work in those factories undercutting the native workers there.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
do you have a valid point to make or not?

still waiting on you sweet pea. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

some people are just clueless.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
regarding Italy, its a hotspot because a number of Italian business went bankrupt and sold their businesses to chinese businesses. China with E.U. approval sends about 100,000 chinese to work in those factories undercutting the native workers there. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

those damn Italians! always fucking themselves up! and the Chinese sending workers to Italy knowing they could have a Corona .. the Wuhan Virus infection. the Chinese cover up everything. that's hard ass totalitarian Commies for ya!

some people are just clueless. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

some people are just pointless.
HoeHummer's Avatar
those damn Italians! always fucking themselves up! and the Chinese sending workers to Italy knowing they could have a Corona .. the Wuhan Virus infection. the Chinese cover up everything. that's hard ass totalitarian Commies for ya!

some people are just pointless. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
If yous say so.
Bullshit. As usual, you don't know shit from Shinola, whacko. Anybody who votes for this moron is not rational, and they well deserve what they get. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Oh yeah Trump is a moron. But I do have to ask the million dollar question, has Biden figured out he's actually running for President and not the Senate, lol.