Coronavirus and the sex industry

Plastic Man's Avatar
OK - I'll go there: "no worse than the normal flu"?
What cave do you live in?
I've lost 20% of my retirement savings in 2 weeks. I'm also a 63 yo man with asthma and an IG deficiency. Please tell me what good is my money if I'm too sick - or not alive - to spend it? Originally Posted by demonlover
ya had a good run now the money ya ...gots ...left ...ta charity er the globalists er ...ta a funnel an yer ...plastic man ...will kiss ya ons yer way ta that last good ...night
ya had a good run now the money ya ...gots ...left ...ta charity er the globalists er ...ta a funnel an yer ...plastic man ...will kiss ya ons yer way ta that last good ...night Originally Posted by Plastic Man
thanks ya fer yer good fer the sweet g'buy...and fer the kiss...cans't wait
Missburger's Avatar
Market will come back
It would be wise not to hobby for four to six weeks

But I bet my house on it these boys be buying it
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Huffington Post writer lol
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Huffington Post writer lol Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Garbage media outlet. Along with Daily Beast, Vox and Vice.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
OK - I'll go there: "no worse than the normal flu"?
What cave do you live in?
I've lost 20% of my retirement savings in 2 weeks. I'm also a 63 yo man with asthma and an IG deficiency. Please tell me what good is my money if I'm too sick - or not alive - to spend it? Originally Posted by demonlover
Same here Demonlover. I'm 55, and recently retired. My 401k is down 22%. I also have a pension, so I haven't drawn from it yet. I know it will recover over time, but damn, it's a big hit for only 2 weeks. It makes me sick. I don't even want to look at the balance right now.
annie@christophers's Avatar
401k like pussy. Just keep stuffin it and eventually it treat you nice. Originally Posted by trojantide
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Market will come back
It would be wise not to hobby for four to six weeks

But I bet my house on it these boys be buying it Originally Posted by Missburger
I agree. I'm taking a break, that's the plan anyway.
Mr Dingleberry's Avatar
Plastic Man's Avatar
ins the space force alls space rangers be givin a ...401z ...ans they dones be goin ...throughs the roof!
Next Best Thing's Avatar
This thing has got to be totally fucking up business for the whores unless the whores themselves as well as their customers are behaving more hypocritically than even usual.
Missburger's Avatar
The whores are not advertising as much
City guide anyway

But let’s see

It appears we’re headed to a national lockdown for some weeks according to the doc on charge

Italy is in it and their cases dropped

Take the hit now recover in six weeks
Next Best Thing's Avatar
What do you think happens to regular healthy folk if they come down with this MissBurger?
Dzaddy_D's Avatar
Fuck. I give in. I will postpone fucking whores until this shit gets under control. Fuck. In other news porn usage is probably skyrocketing....