Apparently you failed history or dementia is setting inExactly, just some past historical FACTS, something Don the Con's turd polishers abhor!!!
Bush handed Obama the worse economy since the great depression and he turned it around and handed off a healthy economy to Don the Con
If you invested in his casino you lost 87% of your money ..looks like investing in his economy is just as risky
If congress doesn't keep him in check he'll bankrupt this country to get re-elected
He is the bankruptcy king Originally Posted by keeponrisin
Obama did indeed inherit a Bush MESS! Real Republicans knew this and WORKED with Obama to fix the mess Bush left the USA in. 8 years later Obama handed Don the Con a good healthy economy. Of course real FACTS never mattered to Don the Con, so he conned his poorly educated dupes into denying them also.
Been investing since the 80s. Only time I lost money was when Republicans were in the White House, Reagan, Bush 1 & 2 and now Don the Con. In all 8 years of Obama I made money EVERY year!
First year of Dumbo Don I made money due to him leaving things alone on Wall St!
Second year Dumbo Don started toying with the US economy like it was Trump University/Casino/Airlines and I lost 10%!
Third year Dumbo Don sort of got the hang of tweaking Wall St and I made a bundle!
Now this Fourth year all Dumbo Don gains are ERASED and am eating into gains made under Obama with NO RELIEF in site! It's scary how much worse it may get.
Again, Rex Tillerson called him out rightly for being a fning Moron before quitting/bailing out of his ship of fools.
Also don't forget Michael Cohen, Don the Con's personal friend and lawyer for 30 years testified and accused Don the Con of being nothing more than a 'racist, conman'.