Crowds packed California beaches despite shelter in place order By Hollie Silverman, CNN 8 hrs ago

Redhot1960's Avatar
The whole thing is a CROCK OF SHIT!

Black person here-

to my knowledge I don't have coronavirus so I can't tell you whether or not it's something that affects black people or not I don't have that knowledge nor have I heard that rhetoric spread on a large scale

However, I do believe when it comes to biochemical warfare that they can engineer things that are programed to affect people with certain genetic backgrounds yes I do believe that

so why that may be silly to believe about coronavirus might not be so silly to believe about other things

and if that sounds crazy to you just think about the different genetic makes
up that racial groups have and how certain diseases affect them in different ways so it really is not as crazy as it sounds
Black person here-

to my knowledge I don't have coronavirus so I can't tell you whether or not it's something that affects black people or not I don't have that knowledge nor have I heard that rhetoric spread on a large scale

However, I do believe when it comes to biochemical warfare that they can engineer things that are programed to affect people with certain genetic backgrounds yes I do believe that

so why that may be silly to believe about coronavirus might not be so silly to believe about other things

and if that sounds crazy to you just think about the different genetic makes
up that racial groups have and how certain diseases affect them in different ways so it really is not as crazy as it sounds Originally Posted by Sienna91
You don't have Coronavirus, I think you would know it if you did. As far as engineering a pathogen to specifically target a certain race of people, I don't think there is such a thing, as of yet anyway. Hell they can't produce a Flu Vaccine that is better than 10% effective.
You don't have Coronavirus, I think you would know it if you did. As far as engineering a pathogen to specifically target a certain race of people, I don't think there is such a thing, as of yet anyway. Hell they can't produce a Flu Vaccine that is better than 10% effective. Originally Posted by Levianon17
we only know what they tell us basically is what I'm saying so if something sounds crazy to me I try not to discredit it because unless I can prove it I'm not going to say is not possible do you get where I'm going here
And honestly getting the flu wasn't even that bad so I just skip out on the vaccine but I've had the flu once in my entire life
Black person here-

to my knowledge I don't have coronavirus so I can't tell you whether or not it's something that affects black people or not I don't have that knowledge nor have I heard that rhetoric spread on a large scale

However, I do believe when it comes to biochemical warfare that they can engineer things that are programed to affect people with certain genetic backgrounds yes I do believe that

so why that may be silly to believe about coronavirus might not be so silly to believe about other things

and if that sounds crazy to you just think about the different genetic makes
up that racial groups have and how certain diseases affect them in different ways so it really is not as crazy as it sounds Originally Posted by Sienna91
Biological warfare, chemical warfare and genetic warfare always end up killing more than was intended.

..Hell they can't produce a Flu Vaccine that is better than 10% effective. Originally Posted by Levianon17
When H1N1 was the rage, doctors, nurses and the vaccine makers pushed it even though it didn't protect against h1n1. They supposedly use the four most "popular" flus to make the vaccine for the current year. The CDC says its 50% effective but I've never seen a good study. The "CDC of some European countries" estimate the vaccine effectiveness at 20-40%. I've haven't seen one as low as 10%.
we only know what they tell us basically is what I'm saying so if something sounds crazy to me I try not to discredit it because unless I can prove it I'm not going to say is not possible do you get where I'm going here Originally Posted by Sienna91
Yeah, I most certainly do.
Biological warfare, chemical warfare and genetic warfare always end up killing more than was intended.

When H1N1 was the rage, doctors, nurses and the vaccine makers pushed it even though it didn't protect against h1n1. They supposedly use the four most "popular" flus to make the vaccine for the current year. The CDC says its 50% effective but I've never seen a good study. The "CDC of some European countries" estimate the vaccine effectiveness at 20-40%. I've haven't seen one as low as 10%. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I took the Flu shot in 2009 prior to that years Christmas season. I was flying to Chicago to spent the Holiday with family. I didn't get the flu or anything remotely close even the years prior to taking the shot I didn't get the flu. I took it again in 2011 from my Doctor, again I traveled that year and stayed well. I haven't taken the Flu shot since and continue to travel and I stay relatively well and I am 62 years old now. My doctor is the one who spilled the beans. He said if you start the habit of taking the Flu shot you should continue, if you stop you may experience a case of the flu. If you take it periodically it doesn't protect you very well you may still catch the bug. If you opt not to take the flu shot you have a 50-50 chance of getting the Flu. Now the real zinger is the Flu Shot contains Thimerosal which is an organic Mercury compound that is added as a preservative to multi use vials. I believe Pharmaceutical companies have developed a single dose syringe that doesn't contain Thimerosal. There really isn't a safe level of Mercury and many people have a hard time neutralizing it. Many people have had bad reactions to it which is the reason why it's being omitted. If you must take the Flu shot ask if it is administered in a single dose or from a Multi use Vial.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
never had a flu shot...
HoeHummer's Avatar
Yous are all contributing to the world wides pandemic.

“If you had coronavirus you’d know it.”

“Never had a flu shot.”

“Biological weapon.”

Yessir. The world wides pandemic of stupid.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Yous are all contributing to the world wides pandemic.

“If you had coronavirus you’d know it.”

“Never had a flu shot.”

“Biological weapon.”

Yessir. The world wides pandemic of stupid. Originally Posted by HoeHummer

hoesheet, you're an epitome of stupid. now go boff j666.
never had a flu shot... Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Ever had the Flu in the last ten years?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Ever had the Flu in the last ten years? Originally Posted by Levianon17
well i had that's something like a flu or a cold; or coldflu as I like to call it. fuck if I know. in fact, I got sick last November.

i'd be sick for 3 days.

it begins on thursday, goes full blown on friday and ends on sunday. monday, I just rest up before going to work on tuesday.

been like that for me every year for 20 years.

I used to get sick an entire week that is until I changed my medicine tactic. I alternate different medicines to confuse the body. I found that i recovered much quicker.
well i had that's something like a flu or a cold; or coldflu as I like to call it. fuck if I know. in fact, I got sick last November.

i'd be sick for 3 days.

it begins on thursday, goes full blown on friday and ends on sunday. monday, I just rest up before going to work on tuesday.

been like that for me every year for 20 years.

I used to get sick an entire week that is until I changed my medicine tactic. I alternate different medicines to confuse the body. I found that i recovered much quicker. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Yeah, it's also what you might be eating prior to being sick that shortens the time of the infection. If you are one that tries to control or eliminate processed sugars that might be one reason and your immune system is on the job could also be you don't take the Flu Shot every year or at all. There is a lot of factors but you are fortunate.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Yeah, it's also what you might be eating prior to being sick that shortens the time of the infection. If you are one that tries to control or eliminate processed sugars that might be one reason and your immune system is on the job could also be you don't take the Flu Shot every year or at all. There is a lot of factors but you are fortunate. Originally Posted by Levianon17
it helps to drink hot chocolate, hot apple cider and hot soup. those do help. i did abstain from eating any food. I might eat potato chips.

wearing a thermal jacket helps too.

btw, its actually 30, not 20. this started around mid-90's on the way i handled medicines.

asprin, 2 different sinus cold medicines, robitusisin and a new one joined the cocktail party, mucinex.

there were some years I did not get sick. the longest for me is 2 years without getting sick.