First, sorry for the loss.
Now let's ask about actual reality. Wait! Whut? You are ALLOWED to go to church? Count yourself in the lucky column. Many are not ALLOWED to exercise their first amendment right these days.
Did they die
of Muh Corona or
with Muh Corona? What all is listed on the death cert? Don't know if you know, most "healthy" people don't actually get Muh Corona. There are quite a lot that get t and don't even know it and many tha get it, take some ibuprofen, drink plenty of fluids and then - egads are just fine. You should look up those number sometime. Turns out some 99.98% of the population are not having a virus problem. That seems like a large number, but I dunno
What is the average time to develop a safe vaccine, historically? Is it between 4-10 years or 4-10 months?
Do we really need to have another mask debate? Really? Might be easier to have you show us the mask packaging that clearly indicates that it will block all manner of viruses instead.
So you are saying if you get Muh Corona, the hospital and Doctors will simply say; Welp, that sux. Can you will me your car? Regardless, they won''t try to treat you? Seems a bit far fetched to me.
You must not be aware of Trump running a rather large Muh Corona task force with multiple Doctors and virologists on it. Danged news pushers. They need to tell people about that. The news I read says that Trump is not responsible for all of the deaths in other countries from a global pandemic, unleashed upon the world from chYna.
Unbeknownst to you (apparently) Trump stands a most excellent chance of prevailing in 2 weeks. My guess is that you know you will be fine when he wins.
Trump received the best medical care available, unlike what you or I would receive. At church yesterday I learned that the husband of a friend recently died from COVID-19. Healthy man in probably his 60s. Yet all we hear from Trump is that we're rounding the corner and the virus will soon be gone, but some people will die. And he is still saying a vaccine will be available in weeks, despite nothing to support that statement. If Trump had shown even the least bit of compassion and practiced what he preached about mask-wearing and social distancing or given honest answers concerning the virus, there is a good chance he would walk away with a victory on November 3rd. He didn't and now he is in position to lose.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX