When this is over we should eat the rich...

HoeHummer's Avatar
Yep you're on the right track. This Pandemic may very possible be not at all what we are being told it is. The coverage is based on fear, when people are afraid they'll do anything to alleviate that fear, we[re experiencing it now. Social distancing, wear a mask, wash your hands often, Businesses are closed. We are being told of overwhelming statistics about virus cases and deaths, it's frightening. So what's the point? It's New world Order, one world Government, one world currency. All things people called conspiracies might be coming to fruition. Just like 911 brought us heightened Security at Airports with the dawn of TSA so will this Pandemic, we'll have to put up with something mandatory that we feel is necessary forever, and those recognize it to be bullshit will be scorned by those who are gullible and fearful. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Protect yourself, LeviQanon!

Protect yourself, LeviQanon!

LOLLING!!!!! Originally Posted by HoeHummer
That's right protect yourself stupid. There's a virus out to get you, lol.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Both of Gore’s houses are nice, but not that THAT nice, and neither has much property, less than 2 acres in Cali. Pass.
  • oeb11
  • 04-05-2020, 10:58 AM

DPST (Democrat Progressive Socialist Totalitarian) Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

That is correct - and thank you DF.

Originated to describe the democrat party and its Leftist Marxist agenda in acronym.

And in a manner using words that can be appropriately used in front of One's grandmother politely.

again, thank you, DF!