The Washington Post ‘What do you have to lose?’: Inside Trump’s embrace of a risky drug against coronavirus Philip Rucker, Robert Costa, Laurie McGinley, Josh Dawsey 3 hrs ago

Go with what you know.
Mindless and pointless blather goes well with your drinking problem.

It's your usual go-to excuse when you should just STFU.

If you actually had something to say besides your anecdotal bs it would surprise me. And you don't surprise me. You're just an asshole with the Dunning-Kruger effect.

Now fuck off. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Do you get triggered much sir...Hmm
Another thoughtful poignant post from...MUNCHY.
What eloquent vile're classy all the way.
Liberalism is a gutless choice...thank you for choosing MUNCHY!!
these leftists debate some fine point of language or some previous arrangement of approval as if they can prove their meaningless abstraction,

all done in a failing effort to somehow discredit President Trump but to what end?

they type zealous drivel about "unproven" over and over while people are dying

their "unproven" is truly a process crime if ever there was a process crime, as it is all about some process and not the underlying effect

is their point that President Trump has no right to mention the treatment?

I dare say these fools would take it in a heartbeat if in distress

people's lives are being saved by hydroxychloroquine and President Trump is serving the people

while, as is their wont, they place political babble above lives
  • oeb11
  • 04-08-2020, 09:38 AM
mmm blue meanie is on ignore - I don't read the posts.

mmm bloviates about what it knows nothing!
And refuses to consult references easily available and understandable even to those limited by WaPo and NYT propaganda.

Join j666 and get some help !
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I've searched high and low and even in those dark spaces from whence all manner of insidious trolls are spawned (and then deposited on some of these very forums), but I can't find a credible source that definitively shows that hydroxycloroquine is bad. Admittedly, I've not dared to delve into the rabidly Satanic occult sources like WaPo or CNN.
  • oeb11
  • 04-08-2020, 09:58 AM
"BAD" - all medications are an overdose away from being poison to a patient.

and side effects or complications of treatment occur with any medication.

The chloroquines have been used for lupus and other diseases for some time.

potential side effects - cardiac rhythm disturbances - QT interval issues, and retinal effects causing permanent visual loss.

WaPo and cnn are DPST propaganda outlets concerned only with 'Get Trump" regardless of FACTS.

They are not worth paying attention to the biased message they present.

as is evidenced by the plummeting cnn ratings for their propaganda channel.
Cuomo is now asking the feds to supply as much hydroxychloroquine to ny's hospitals as possible

he's backed off his dim talking point approval that only in a controlled study can it be used

must be driving the drivel full ny times and wapo people crazy
Jacuzzme's Avatar
He finally put the well-being of New Yorkers over making a dig at the President. Amazing.
  • oeb11
  • 04-08-2020, 10:03 AM
The cnn, nyt, WaPo propaganda presenters show a profound, pointed, deliberate ignorance of how medications are approved for clinical use in America.
Cuomo has figured out, with his death of preparation for this pandemic, and saddled with idiot DeBlasio - that he had best show some leadership in expediting medicald treatment of people affected, rather than praying for hundreds of thousands of deaths in the political war and the POTUS.
Voters - even NY'ers - figure it out. Cuomo want to elevate to POTUS - not be defeated at the next election.