Encounter: the night from.. heaven hell hell heaven pt.1

You know the best steak I ever had in my life was at Lil’ Abner’s in Tucson, AZ. But inside, you had to sit at a picnic table. I know a lot of guys that didn’t eat there because they said no decent restaurant would have you sit at a picnic table! �� Originally Posted by Boeingguy
Almost like finding a really good fuck in an RV.
Been to a lot of places like that in Texas years back some of the best food eaten at a picnic table in a restaurant
Yeah. But I bet you’ve never missed out one the sexiest girls to visit Florida because she did a CBJ!
Anna Watts did CBJ and she was a steak on a picnic table. Fab-tab-ulous!
Yeah she was ^^^^ definitely could go for more of her right about now