When did Americans become such pussies? Thank god it’s recent or we’d all be speaking German.
Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Exactly - all we have to do is wear masks, maintain a safe distance as much as possible, and not go to large, congested gatherings until we get a better handle on this virus and its treatment. The NBA is a stupid game anyway - I hope the league goes bankrupt - no way the games will be any fun without a packed house - watching it on TV without any fans is about like standing in a gym, watching some guys play while you wait for the next game to play. I prefer to participate, not watch - but I don't want to be bumping into guys who are sweating on a fucking basketball court.
In reality, anyone under 60 has just as much risk driving on the highways as catching this virus and dying, given the infection mortality rates for the under 60 crowd without serious underlying medical problems.
Old timers should protect themselves and since they should have their financial affairs in order or be getting social security, we need to get the youngsters back to work.
As for me, sure I've lost some money on the market but it is just giving back some of the gains over the last thirty years. Plus, all my tenants are paying rent, and I have no mortgages or debt of any kind, so I can last 40 years if I have to but I like to work and do something useful. I'm very conservative in my financial affairs - more than my social outlook - but I'm not a fucking cheapskate either - I'll spend money where appropriate.
I feel like many people are getting stir crazy so it is time for real men to stand up and be brave, not pussies! Let's open the economy and protect the oldtimers.