81,200 plus dead! Trump: “We Have Prevailed!” Yup...

matchingmole's Avatar
You're probably right. But I thought there was no way in hell he would beat Clinton.

I don't care for the man, but he does have the gift of gab. Biden used to have it as well, but I don't think his mind is right anymore. Those debates may be brutal for Biden. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

Clinton beat Trump is the 2016 debates...so who wins the debates doesn't matter. The last two Republican Presidents have been major disasters.The country is ready to go on cruise control (not having an erratic imbecile who steps on the gas and then the brakes every few hours)
Hotrod511's Avatar
Originally Posted by matchingmole

looks like you need some
matchingmole's Avatar

None needed
matchingmole's Avatar
Solemate62's Avatar
Great set of graphics, Matchingmole. Anything that drives the Trumptard’s on this site to their bat shit modes is great posting IMO!
Great set of graphics, Matchingmole. Anything that drives the Trumptard’s on this site to their bat shit modes is great posting IMO! Originally Posted by Solemate62
Whose going batshit on the right? We are watching the few remaining left leaning sewer rats slowly meltdown via their TDS induced fantasies, causing them to post non sourced, non-backed, mis-represented information and spewing nothing but hate and hopes for the deaths of Americans.

Personally, I can't see the left going much lower, but the left never ceases to surprise.
Solemate62's Avatar
Looks like we prevailed again, if you factor in the death of 72 American Vets recently, in the same nursing home! MAGA, Trumptards! Ooops! My bad: change that to MADE - Many Americans Dying Everyday Fear not, Americans, ‘We have prevailed’!
  • oeb11
  • 05-12-2020, 08:21 AM
Solemate - keep up the "trumptard" abuse - We have a "Mod".
Not to mention the liberal desire for more and more deaths to celebrate - in the hope it wrecks the economy and adversely affects Trump
After all - DPST's have gone the route - "One death is a human being, 80,000 deaths are just a statistic".

and your fantasy of Biden's election - he is progressing in dementia - and won't know how to flush a toilet in 2021.
Looks like we prevailed again, if you factor in the death of 72 American Vets recently, in the same nursing home! Originally Posted by Solemate62
Is that going to be the new leftist cry for Trumps head. Instead of the promise of 72 virgins, it's the giddy cry for the next 72 Deaths to make Trump look bad.

That's a sad way to live when you are searching out the deaths to post bullshit like this.
pleasurem's Avatar
You are an idiot, Geez!!!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Clinton beat Trump is the 2016 debates...so who wins the debates doesn't matter. The last two Republican Presidents have been major disasters.The country is ready to go on cruise control (not having an erratic imbecile who steps on the gas and then the brakes every few hours) Originally Posted by matchingmole
To say he is erratic is probably an understatement. I think if he just kept his opinions to himself and left twitter alone he would easily win the election. He can't control himself though so that's not happening.

I will give him credit for one thing though - he is definitely transparent. Unlike most presidents, you always know what he is thinking because he'll tell you because he's a loud mouth and he just doesn't give a fuck if people are offended. He's a very dishonest man but he is definitely too honest when he hates someone. LOL
When did Americans become such pussies? Thank god it’s recent or we’d all be speaking German. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Exactly - all we have to do is wear masks, maintain a safe distance as much as possible, and not go to large, congested gatherings until we get a better handle on this virus and its treatment. The NBA is a stupid game anyway - I hope the league goes bankrupt - no way the games will be any fun without a packed house - watching it on TV without any fans is about like standing in a gym, watching some guys play while you wait for the next game to play. I prefer to participate, not watch - but I don't want to be bumping into guys who are sweating on a fucking basketball court.

In reality, anyone under 60 has just as much risk driving on the highways as catching this virus and dying, given the infection mortality rates for the under 60 crowd without serious underlying medical problems.

Old timers should protect themselves and since they should have their financial affairs in order or be getting social security, we need to get the youngsters back to work.

As for me, sure I've lost some money on the market but it is just giving back some of the gains over the last thirty years. Plus, all my tenants are paying rent, and I have no mortgages or debt of any kind, so I can last 40 years if I have to but I like to work and do something useful. I'm very conservative in my financial affairs - more than my social outlook - but I'm not a fucking cheapskate either - I'll spend money where appropriate.

I feel like many people are getting stir crazy so it is time for real men to stand up and be brave, not pussies! Let's open the economy and protect the oldtimers.

Speaking about this in a different way, if you are under 65, 2 people out of 1000 are dying of this thing. Mind you, these are all deaths up to now, and the medical community, while not exactly having a cure, is certainly keeping many more people alive now with a greater understanding of treatment and widespread sharing of best practices among physicians and hospitals and the government health officials.

This is from a Dutch study...

Links to many other tests for those who care...