Encounter Scam alert

Smh lol
Savannah Moon's Avatar
Royalholic's Avatar
Why is it so hard to fathom that you should NEVER pay for a deposit? It's like you're asking for your money to be taken.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Well said Lusty Busty Doll... Originally Posted by KCFalcon77
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
All depends on who it is not all of us are bad seeds ,

Why is it so hard to fathom that you should NEVER pay for a deposit? It's like you're asking for your money to be taken. Originally Posted by Royalholic
It's fake, we can all see that he's her Mgr, itscway too obvious
JRLawrence's Avatar
Ok.. So no one else will say it, I will.

IMO..you are either her..or perhaps her friend/Manager..

It is more than obvious.

Everyone be safe.
Savannah Moon Originally Posted by Savannah Moon


That I what I wanted to say too. But I just called it a joke because I didn't want to get called out again for something that Is obvious.
Is this the same pimp that has Ellie and Kayden?
Boredinop's Avatar
Why is it so hard to fathom that you should NEVER pay for a deposit? It's like you're asking for your money to be taken. Originally Posted by Royalholic
Agreed. Still can't believe people do it.
Royalholic's Avatar
All depends on who it is not all of us are bad seeds , Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF
If you charge a deposit that's your business, I'm not in the business to tell ladies what they can and cannot do.

I just know I'll never pay for a deposit because it's better safe than sorry.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Only for a over night or to fly to someone !I
If you charge a deposit that's your business, I'm not in the business to tell ladies what they can and cannot do.

I just know I'll never pay for a deposit because it's better safe than sorry. Originally Posted by Royalholic
JRLawrence's Avatar
Only for a over night or to fly to someone !I Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF
Come on Lusty, that is an exception that proves the point. No lady would have an over night visit, or fly to someone, unless that had a totally solid recommendation or had visited the guy several times before.

The only time I have given money up front was for a lady I had seen many times before and she asked me to pay her up front for the motel, while I stood by both of our cars. She walked to the office and even gave me the change she got for a room discount. You can say, I already knew her.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
I know some of you think this can't happen or you would ever do it .and that is okay . I get it .

I do overnights with guys I'v seen before YES and still get a deposit and why not what if they have to cancel it puts me out of $$$$$$ and my time that could been spent with someone , when on tour that's a lot of time to have blocked off and have someone flake out .
and fly me same thing ,I have regs have me come visit them when they are traveling and either I get a half deposit
or the whole amount. I make all my own travel plans.
I do have a Dallas guy who books 6hr every tour and pays upfront so what do you think of that ? LOL .

Sorry im not going book out appt's over night with out a deposit .. I understand it's not for every one.
I'm not going to put my Credibility on the line and not going though with the appt . for a few bucks of a deposit's .
When I say i'm going to be there im there, unless i'm dead , When I put a tour together I book very thing a month out for flight & hotel , I'v only canceled 1 tour in my whole time touring and that was this March and guess why , well we know why COVID-19 .

And if she can't pay for a hotel that alone should tell you somethings .
I pay my own way flight & hotel ,