Honestly the problem is not about racism or violence anymore. The George Floyd case has sadly been turned into a leftist agenda. In the real world any Conservative thought is suddenly attacked and ostracize by left wing extremist and the media. The same holds true for the whore board. If you have a conservative thought you will be labeled a “troll” and a racist and followed from thread to thread by leftist.
Any disagreement with the Liba Tards and suddenly you have no compassion, no credibility and frankly no place. It’s kind of like a Jesse Jackson shake down but on a whore board
Originally Posted by FunMonday
At its LCD, this was a guy who was killed for a fudiciary (sp) transgression. Using a piece of paper for the intent of money. That isn't worth getting killed for. It is a crime in other countries to bounce a check. As far as I know, killing the guilty party in the street with no due process is not on the books. Regardless of the type of person he was, a horizontal lynching was not in any means appropriate. Be you Left or Right you have to admit that last statement is true. And it just set off a fuse that has been smoldering forever.
Let's see how our country can handle this.