Not meant as an insult to you but "it's the economy stupid" and in every poll I have seen, Trump beats Biden on that question. So if in fact that is the number one issue on the mind of a voter, Trump should win.
But you are right that if your number one concern is whether a 9 year old Trans child will become adviser to the Secy, of Education, then yes, Biden will win. If one thinks that the only thing that matters, economy be damned, is "Black lives" and abolishing the police ( can you imagine the stupidity of that statement ) then yes, Biden wins. If one thinks that open borders and free health care for anybody that happens to be within our borders is a good idea, then yes, Biden wins.
I just don't see a majority of people putting any or all of those issues above whether they have a job and can make a living unless of course you believe in UBI where you will get a government check whether you work or not then yes, Biden wins and we lose America.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Yes, the economy is either the #1 concern on the mind of each voter or close to #1. And yes,every poll on the subject shows that Trump would be better for the economy than Biden. But you neglected to mention that Trump's margin has shrunk to 3% in the latest poll.
But as I stated earlier, there are other factors at play and Biden clearly leads Trump in the polls on those factors. No, Biden does not support open borders. No, Biden does not support Medicare for all. No, Biden does not want to raise everyone's taxes.
Biden will win the popular vote. Agree or disagree?
Biden will win more electoral votes than Hillary Clinton did. Agree or disagree? If you disagree, I assume you are predicting Trump will at least hold onto all the states he won in 2016, and maybe win NH or Minnesota too.
You reference the polls that show Trump ahead of Biden when it comes to reviving the economy. What about the polls that show Trump at negative double digits on approval ratings? What about the polls that most show Trump trailing Biden by at least 6 points nationally when Clinton led Trump by 2 points at a similar point in time in 2016? What about the polls summarized by RealClearPolitics that show Biden leading in Arizona, NH, Florida, Michigan, NC, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Minnesota and Wisconsin?
I am still not predicting a Biden victory on November 3rd but Trump, as in 2016, seems to be the underdog right now.