roscoe14850's Avatar
Im not on your list there..but im gonna respond anyway...

Nita, way too funny for this particular discussion topic! What are there? Twenty or thirty established ladies in upstate NY who post ads regularly. ?

Three get begged to be involved in the discussion area. lol

original poster: " I can't be the only one that has noticed diminishing female participation, I can't blame them with the level of hostility that has been displayed lately"

Do you realize your signatures says: Just because it isn't nice doesn't mean it can't be funny

There is nothing wrong with kissing ass as long as it's attached to a beautiful woman!

Perhaps applying your signature to your rant may lead to a deeper understanding... Just a suggestion.

Liz Originally Posted by anita germane
I am very aware of my sig. Big difference between a little jabbing and downright hostility. And yes, I love a cute derrière, and have been known to kiss it.
Jon Colden's Avatar
I agree with you, Roscoe, 100%, especially about the effect it's had on this board.

You can never go wrong underestimating the maturity level of your fellow man, I guess.

To watch some of these threads devolve into such chaos is tragic.

It's probably something that's endemic to this so-called "hobby," so I wouldn't hope for great improvement.
sunfish's Avatar
are there better sites ? pm me
  • Chloe
  • 08-11-2011, 12:50 AM
I am simply way too busy bent over like a good girl . . . . . . any of you boys who want to make me step away from my post better let me include it in our session bwahahaha . . . .
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Ok so a few are not posting as they do not like some of what is being posted. I have ask on to post more. And that is her answer"to busy". As most here have noted.

so I have a "?". When autumn fades to winter. Will some providers post more?
Spring, summer, and autumn. One can go outside more. And more to do. winter locked in more. Just asking thanks
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-11-2011, 05:22 AM
Has it been 2 months already since the last time we had this discussion?

How time flies!
roscoe14850's Avatar
Ok so a few are not posting as they do not like some of what is being posted. I have ask on to post more. And that is her answer"to busy". As most here have noted.

so I have a "?". When autumn fades to winter. Will some providers post more?
Spring, summer, and autumn. One can go outside more. And more to do. winter locked in more. Just asking thanks Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
I think they will, but it doesn't change the fact that some feel the need to act like pricks just for the sake of it. But hey, that's just my opinion, maybe I'll fell better about it later, after I get my panties untwisted.

BTW, I always enjoy your posts OSD, even if sometimes I have trouble understanding them.
roscoe14850's Avatar
montana..your right..i do..however...Im pulling waaaaaaaaaaay back on that...

as far as traveling..the last couple of men that have set up appointments with me..have really bruised my ego as well as my pocketbook...lets just say..they need to check themselves..

as well.. folks actually do not like that Im a straight shooter and dont seem to understand that I need all the facts to make determinations in my thought process...I get insulted..and made to feel like why is it even worth the effort...I don't need that..

being a mod i have to respond..no i really don't as a matter of fact.. and I am seriously thinking about just not being a mod anymore..after all why..I get attacked and ridiculed and insulted in pms..as well as on the board...hey..if i wanna be treated like crap..ill go back to my ex...he did that really well...in fact..he thought for a whole year I changed my name to bitch...eh..

some of ya'll are pretty cool..and some of ya'll need to take a good long hard look at yourselves..
cuz you aint as cool and or as pretty as your head is leading you to believe!!

ill be in sandbox if ya'll wanna laugh with the stuff i post in there..like I said..its safer.. Originally Posted by anita germane
This is what I am talking about! I have seen this from several ladies in the last few months, they just don't want to deal with the BS so they stop contributing.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Not really on topic but

I love reading when N-Nikki and jonballs post to each other. The bickering reminds me of my relation to the 3 I see the most. If others could hear the conversations I have had with them. You would think we where married, if just one is there. Now the times 3 or all 4 in the same place. Brother and Sisters that have gone wild. The times with one of and a stripper she knows. mmmm Like a very dysfunctional family.

mmmmmm na

PS posted at risk of getting both upset with me. But!!!!!!!!! mmmm naaaaaaaa

edit:But one would think they are lovers bickering LOL
jokacz's Avatar
I think the board has been great since the mods have backed off. All that ass kissing damn near ruined this place. Jonballs is the best thing that's happened to this place since the migration from ASPD. Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke. They're only here for the money anyway.
Anita said it perfectly. Ive stopped even looking at the posts on here. All of the back and forth that goes on is just too annoying. I have more fun things to do with my time,
The board as a whole suffers without the input and contribution from all of its members, This includes the ladies... The ass kissing you refer to Jokacz, if i'm not mistaken, hasn't been ass kissing at all... instead its exactly what Roscoe posted about to begin with... having some sense of self worth enough to be able to treat people with respect... do not mistake respect for ass kissing... and to be honest, if you really feel like "they are only here for the money", which some may be, then why the F*** are you here?
As Roscoe just said above "Big difference between a little jabbing and downright hostility." your posts are often the ones that can and are considered offensive, and to be honest, I cant stand it and i dont think most of the membership appreciates it, but we tolerate it... like a personality flaw... Its exactly that... the blatant attack or demeaning of the ladies or members or newbies where there is no reason for it, that has driven them away.
Back in the ASPD days, i dont think that the opinion of the membership of the board was EVER as low as it is now... and don't blame anyone else but yourself... Just as in life, how you conduct yourself on the board, If your going to act like a 3rd grade dropout with the average intelligence quotient of a fern who happens to have mommy issues, then you will be treated that way. If on the other hand, your able to construct a sentence, and post even negative reviews or experiences with out being an ass hat, (and yes there is a way to do that) then you will elevate yourself as being thought of as a more socially acceptable person and maybe not regarded as a troll.
Its the rudeness and crass behavior that has driven the ladies away... its unfortunate, Its my belief that its due to a select few who like to make a name for themselves and garner the attention, that effects the overall community.
I was raised to show people respect, until such a point in time when they dont deserve it any more... I would be extremely hard pressed to say that there is any lady on here that has worn out their welcome as much as some members have. If you can not see that your words are how you are perceived to be treating the others here, then you really dont deserve to be here...
I guarantee one thing.. Without the ladies these boards cease to exist. The more you want to continually push them away, with ridiculously rude reviews, posting pictures that the girls don't even know you have or that your posting, constant negotiation of their rates, invasions of privacy, cyber stalking, and any other number of things that would turn anyone off, they will all go away and you will once again be left with Rosey Palm and her 5 sisters .... its really that simple... Post honestly, post often, but do not forget that they too are sisters, mothers, and daughters that do deserve as much respect if not more than you think you do...
roscoe14850's Avatar
Anita said it perfectly. Ive stopped even looking at the posts on here. All of the back and forth that goes on is just too annoying. I have more fun things to do with my time, Originally Posted by Erica Hall
Thank you for voicing your opinion Erica.
I come on here once a week... look at the ladies’ powder room and leave. I have seen elementary school children get along better than some of the members on this board.

It's got old and annoying to see the same person(s) attacking one another just because they post their own opinion/feedback. Many of the members on here are just here to bicker back and forth.... never seen a provider/probably doesn't even hobby. Just wants to start a pissing match with someone online....Real cool.....NOT!

What this board needs to do is instead of putting so many rules/stipulations on what providers can/cannot say in their ads/showcase.... they should be better monitoring this behavior, cracking down in reviews. And getting rid of the "trash" on this board.