Mississippi Election system racist?

sportfisherman's Avatar
Racism is not just a talking point.

The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag finishes " With Liberty and Justice for All".

You expect that and claim it for yourself with no thought of or need to clear it with people of color or to gain their approval of your claim to it.You feel you are Entitled to it.

I'm for diversity and support all people in their claim for Liberty and Justice for themselves.

And they really don't need your approval of it or for you to be ok with it.

You are rightfully perceptive that your world view or more aptly your view of our nation is changing and being challenged but the fact is that it is changing and you can't hold it back.The horse is out of the barn.

They,like you, are Entitled to Liberty and Justice for All.

There is a Nostalgic but archaic yearning for the Way Things Used to Be on this site but those days are over,those times are over,and the world is moving forward.
  • oeb11
  • 07-09-2020, 08:19 AM
noble words - and i agree with them - but not the Marxist ideology of the DPST party.

None so blinid as will not see.