For Eccieuser, why BLM is misguided

  • Tiny
  • 07-12-2020, 07:05 PM
Some may say Blacks commit more crime. If that's true not much more. What is true, is Blacks get caught much easier. They commit crime within short distance from their own neighborhoods. Police have little trouble clearing cases. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Interesting. There's an episode of death row stories where a cop said he would first search for a suspect in a one mile radius of the scene of the crime. Then fan out to 2 miles, 3 miles, etc. There was a poor black neighborhood about 4 miles away where his suspect lived. He turned out to be innocent but that's irrelevant. Anyway, it sounds like this is standard operating procedure.
  • Tiny
  • 07-12-2020, 07:10 PM
You are right about locking up to many black fathers for non violent crimes but we can't simply turn our backs on the fact that the violent crimes committed by Blacks are disproportional to their numbers. Would stopping incarceration solve the problem or make it worse? We are already hearing that disbanding to plain cloths cops in New York is like turning the light green. If all you have to look out form is the uniformed police, criminals will commit more crimes DUH!

No bond, trying to give the Blacks and Whites a better shake is just causing crime rates to rise. Rather than see it as getting a break, many are seeing it as a weakness, a green light to keep doing what you are doing if there aren't going to be consequences.

It's one thing to have a heart and try to make things better for minority communities but they play a bigger role in finding a solution than Whites do IMHO although Whites can do better but then when they try to do better they get taken advantage of. Yeah, I don't have the solutions either. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
As noted, I'm no expert either. You hit on what must a couple of keys. Lighten up on the nonviolent crimes and drug offenses. And through policing stop people from committing crimes in the first place. Looking at incarceration rates in the USA, which are much higher than other countries, it's hard to believe that there aren't things we could be doing better.
The lie that slaves were equal? Or slaves lives mattered? Or the man who wrote equality into our constitution believed it?

Or, what lie? Were slaves human? Would that I could ask Tommy J these questions. Would he be offended that I would ask?

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
What are you bitching about now chump.
The one thing that BLM has brought attention to was corruption in the Police Department and this has nothing to do with color. No other worker is protected more than Police officers. The reason you have so many bad seeds in the department is that they are not held accountable for their action.
The one thing that BLM has brought attention to was corruption in the Police Department and this has nothing to do with color. No other worker is protected more than Police officers. The reason you have so many bad seeds in the department is that they are not held accountable for their action. Originally Posted by theotherguy1
Oh bullshit.The Police are holding thugs accountable and you don't like it. That's tough shit.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
They did a shitty job with you. You don't even know what country you're in, lol.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Ripmany's Avatar
It should be white life's matter there have slower more stable growth rate, black and Asian as well as middle eastern, just have babby there to many there life don't matter, look at population curves.
I B Hankering's Avatar
BLM Admits They Are MARXISTS.

I'll focus a little on number one. There is an argument out there that there is a dis apportioned number Blacks in Prisons than Whites. Some may say Blacks commit more crime. If that's true not much more. What is true, is Blacks get caught much easier. They commit crime within short distance from their own neighborhoods. Police have little trouble clearing cases. So it's not so much a race factor but maybe more so stupidity. The BLM movement is a joke Blacks hate Blacks more than whites do. If Blacks would stop violating each other on a grand scale maybe they would have a better quality of life. From what I've seen in recent years displayed by the Black Community it's appalling to me how these people treat each other then they have the unmitigated gall to protest. If the Black community would learn to preserve their community rather than to destroyed it they might get the support they seek. Until then they're on their own. Originally Posted by Levianon17

FBI statistics from 2018 report that 3,114 homicides were committed by the demographic group that is only 13% of the population. Meanwhile, in the same year, only 2,911 homicides were committed by the demographic group that comprises 61% of the population. The same FBI data shows that blacks are killing each other at a rate that is almost 5 times the rate whites are killing each other.

FBI Homicide Data Table

Further, blacks are over represented in every category of violent crime:

FBI Table 43

The premise behind BLM that police shoot a disproportionate number of blacks is blatantly false. The reality is that the police shoot more white criminals than black criminals even though blacks commit a disproportionately greater number of crimes than their numbers in the general population would indicate probable.

Number of people shot to death by the police in the United States from 2017 to 2020, by race

  • oeb11
  • 07-13-2020, 06:19 AM
Tiny - If they're saying replace families with collectives, and I'm not sure they are, then this is exactly the wrong prescription for making black lives matter. The disappearance of the nuclear family hugely disadvantages black children. One thing that can be done about it, that I mentioned in the OP, is criminal justice reform. Stop locking their Dads up and throwing away the key. I realize this is only part of the solution, and am not smart enough to know how America gets to where it needs to be on this.

Bold face by HF - Agree - the disappearance of the nuclear family in black culture is a major issue - with no fathers around to control young black men in their irresponsible teenage and youn adult years.

Why - look back to welfare tht prohibited a man in the family home - No welfare in that case.
That rule contributed to the breakup up the black nuclear families - incarceration of black males plays a role - but the roots are in teh Federal welfare system rules.

That and busing - taking kids out of the community where parents have involvement in the educational system - to across town where the parents cannot travel and have input.

Social Issues matter!

Are marxist homosexual blacks with a collectivist agenda the answer - the LSM wants your money to go to these idiots who wish to destroy representative democracy - and install a black ruled segregated homosexual society.

Donate to them at your peril.
rexdutchman's Avatar
I'm really shocked and amazed on just how the ignorance flows in this country now Maxrist terrorist good , common sense bad
The one thing that BLM has brought attention to was corruption in the Police Department and this has nothing to do with color. No other worker is protected more than Police officers. The reason you have so many bad seeds in the department is that they are not held accountable for their action. Originally Posted by theotherguy1
I'm going to agree with some of this against the backdrop of "there's a lot of corruption and incompetence in state and local govts." There's a lot of bad state and local employees. Too many. Too many of the wrong ones (not a racist statement). You don't see many of them fired or demoted. In fact, having talked with some people who went into govt work, they just hired more and hope the new ones can cover.
  • oeb11
  • 07-13-2020, 10:41 AM
TOG1 - Ever heard fo Civil Service - and government worker protections that make it impossible to fire One - even for gross negligence.

About the only thing that One can be fired for - is being caucasian.
  • Tiny
  • 07-13-2020, 02:55 PM
The premise behind BLM that police shoot a disproportionate number of blacks is blatantly false. The reality is that the police shoot more white criminals than black criminals even though blacks commit a disproportionately greater number of crimes than their numbers in the general population would indicate probable.

Number of people shot to death by the police in the United States from 2017 to 2020, by race
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Compare your table to the number of police officers killed by blacks:

Kicking out individuals of unknown race, here's how it stacks up,

Year/ Blacks as % of total people killed by police /Police killed by blacks vs other races

2017/ 24.7% / 36.3%
2018/ 26.4% / 41.8%
2019/ 29.3% / 34.1%

In other words, if you've got a dead policeman, there's about a 34% to 42% chance he was killed by someone who's black. If you've got someone killed by a policeman, there's about a 25% to 29% chance he's black.

This is why I think BLM is misguided and should be expending more of its efforts on other issues.

And one of those issues, which Levianon was discussing in response to the OP, was overall reform of the criminal justice system. Here are some numbers to back up my case:

Further, blacks are over represented in every category of violent crime:

FBI Table 43 Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Your Table 43 above shows that 27.4% of arrests were blacks in 2018.

However, 38.2% of inmates are black:

This link indicates that black males received 19% longer sentences for similar crimes compared to white males:

Dig deeper and you'll almost certainly find similar disparities for parole and probation.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Who would become a police officer with a starting salary of approx. $40,000 ( just a guess ) if they knew they would have to buy an insurance policy like a doctor does to protect against being sued for malpractice? Let me answer that for you, none!

Qualified immunity does not give a police officer carte blanche to abuse suspects. The police officer can be fired and prosecuted as we have seen recently and the department he works for, the city he works for can be sued, you just can't sue the officer for the reason I just stated.

Every single Tom, Dick and Harriet would sue every single cop that arrested them and the lawyers lining up to take the case would be a mile long and the cop would go bankrupt defending him or herself. That is the reason for qualified immunity because with out it, there would be nobody dumb enough to take the job. I don't know why anybody would want the job now even with immunity from being sued but a damn good chance you are not going to make 20 years dealing with the worst society has to offer.