Fox News Sunday

Ripmany's Avatar
Trump will get flushed by anyone... Originally Posted by matchingmole
You can't flush something heavy down a toillet the sudden release of water forcing what in the toilet down a trap won't work with a 200 lb man.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I hope you realize that Biden NEVER called for defunding the police. That's a lie propagated by Trump and the GOP. Originally Posted by pfunkdenver

he says it at 2:13. is it a lie? biden is a flip flopper.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Wallace is a news journalist. Ingraham, Carlson, and Hannity are talk show hosts. Even Hannity himself said on his radio show that he is not a journalist. Neither are Cuomo or Lemon. The difference is pretty clear. Originally Posted by smokedog01
You're not arguing with me. I pointed out the awards received by members of Fox News over the years but this wacko still insisted there was some kind of "flip" when someone moved to or left Fox.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
As for Biden refunding the police, he doesn't know what he is going to do until the squad, Warren, and Sanders tells him what he thinks.
matchingmole's Avatar
gfejunkie's Avatar
Watching it now.

When you walk into an interview looking for a fight, guess what? You're going to get one.
gfejunkie's Avatar
I hope you realize that Biden NEVER called for defunding the police. That's a lie propagated by Trump and the GOP. Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
I'll bet that if I "redirected" funds from your bank account into mine you'd believe you had been defunded.
  • oeb11
  • 07-19-2020, 09:01 AM
Biden agreed to "redirecting funds" - which is defunding.

and - the full extent of police defunidng mandates will be revealed by the radical leftists in january, 2025 - after inauguration if Biden is elected.

Full implementation of radical DeFund-disarm-disband the Police will happen when Biden is 25th Amendment terminated and the radical VP takes office.

And OBLM will run riot and looting and burning in the streets - free of any need to comply with the rule of laaw - leaving a smoking ruin for the new Radical marxist revolution to insert itself.

Civil War is coming!!!
bambino's Avatar
I'll bet that if I "redirected" funds from your bank account into mine you'd believe you had been defunded. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Exactly, Wallace’s own fact check backfired. I thought it was pretty predictable. Wallace’s questions and Trump responses were predictable. Trump is right on one thing, Wallace isn’t going to interview Biden. He won’t agree to it. As Trump said, Biden would be on the ground looking for his mommy.
lustylad's Avatar
I hope you realize that Biden NEVER called for defunding the police. That's a lie propagated by Trump and the GOP. Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
Still waiting for pfunk to 'splain the difference between "defunding" and "redirecting funds" lol.
bambino's Avatar
Still waiting for pfunk to 'splain the difference between "defunding" and "redirecting funds" lol. Originally Posted by lustylad
I’m waiting for Wallace to do the same thing. Trump missed an opportunity to nail him.
matchingmole's Avatar
Exactly, Wallace’s own fact check backfired. I thought it was pretty predictable. Wallace’s questions and Trump responses were predictable. Trump is right on one thing, Wallace isn’t going to interview Biden. He won’t agree to it. As Trump said, Biden would be on the ground looking for his mommy. Originally Posted by bambino

Why would Biden do that? He is winning as it is.

If Trump thought his pre-taped interview with Chris Wallace went well, he would’ve promoted it on his Twitter feed as he has with countless previous Fox News interviews. But he hasn’t done that. Draw your own conclusions.
lustylad's Avatar
5 complete sentences. Impressive. For you.
matchingmole's Avatar
JCM800's Avatar