Trump Gives permission to wear masks, finally

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Originally Posted by matchingmole
smokedog01's Avatar
Trump flip flopped and called it patriotic to wear a mask because even he can no longer ignore the polls and he knows that he is getting killed in them thanks in large part to his covid response.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trump flip flopped and called it patriotic to wear a mask because even he can no longer ignore the polls and he knows that he is getting killed in them thanks in large part to his covid response. Originally Posted by smokedog01

not one word about Fauci the flip flop. why did Fauci lie about masks? is he incompetent or was he actually fueling the spread by intention? you know .. so he and Billy Gates can sell more snake oil vaccines?

how about Andy "The MURDERER" Cuomo? what a genius he is .. NOT

you are alive because GEPOTUS (NO .. not Greatest Ever ... GOD EMPEROR!) spared your life.

bambino's Avatar
Did Trump ever say NOT to wear a mask?
matchingmole's Avatar
Trump flip flopped and called it patriotic to wear a mask because even he can no longer ignore the polls and he knows that he is getting killed in them thanks in large part to his covid response. Originally Posted by smokedog01
It's politics. No matter how ya slice it, it's all a game to them.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by matchingmole

HedonistForever's Avatar
After months of idiocy, Trump has finally asked his followers to wear masks. Now all that stupidity can come to an end. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

I think you are exhibiting a certain degree of stupidity in suggesting that anybody was waiting on Trump to decide for them but I understand, your TDS drives your every thought. Makes you say things that will come across as somewhat stupid but you simply can't help yourself. It must be tough living with such a compulsion.

I think it is silly and a bit juvenile to be insisting that one is not going to be told what to do at this point but make no mistake, Trump's proclamation that it is patriot to wear a mask, will not stop those who do not want to wear a mask for a variety of reasons, chiefly that they have a Constitutional right not to, which I think is absurd but that's just my opinion.

There will always be stupidity, it will not end now and it won't end should Biden win. There was a discussion tonight and my best friend, a Democrat told me the same thing, that all this violence will end after Biden is elected. Really? The anarchist will give up the momentum to defund the police? To abolish ICE and immigration control? Does anybody really believe that because I don't. Will they stop tearing down statues? Will they turn their sights on all things Republican? Will they stop trying to burn down federal buildings if Biden does display a backbone and say as Trump is saying right now, that as President, he must protect federal buildings, it is his sworn duty to do so even if the Portland Mayor doesn't understand this. To do other wise would be to sit and watch every federal building in the country destroyed by mobs of anarchists.

Sure, there are some Biden supporters, people who are voting Democrat in these crowds but my guess is from what I'm seeing, it is the anarchist doing the real damage with young Democrats standing around with their cell phones either hoping for a documentary series to come from their filming or to show the grand kids what memaw and pawpaw did in the revolution.

No, this isn't going to stop with a Biden election and I'll bet on that and I don't as a rule bet on anything.

Biden will have his hands full trying to quell a mob that has tasted blood and now think they can not be stopped. These aren't people looking to get Biden elected, these are people hell bent on destroying what they can never achieve through hard work and civility.
chefnerd's Avatar
[QUOTE=The_Waco_Kid;1062132907]not one word about Fauci the flip flop. why did Fauci lie about masks? is he incompetent or was he actually fueling the spread by intention? you know .. so he and Billy Gates can sell more snake oil vaccines?/QUOTE]

Flip Flop? Fauci has garnered the wrath of Diaper Donald because he had the guts to proclaim the truth about the virus despite the fallacies portrayed bu Diaper Don Trump.
Perhaps ONCE in your pathetic troll life you might want to present some evidence. NO NO NO that is not your style. You just put out what you were TOLD to believe. Stay out of the sunshine. Wouldn't want you to turn to stone now would we?
the cult of Fauci the fraud

so now after all this time Fauci is finally right? well it was bound to happen sooner or later yeah?

BASHHASHAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
His first video I agree with. The second video I think he is priming the public to think that the vaccine will be safe and effective. But if a person who isn't sick shouldn't walk around with a mask, why should a person who is well take a vaccine to half ass prevent them from a disease that they may not even get or still get even with a vaccine? We should be able to live on this earth without having chemicals injected in us. Why can't they just spend the money to develop a treatment for those who actually have the illness?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
not one word about Fauci the flip flop. why did Fauci lie about masks? is he incompetent or was he actually fueling the spread by intention? you know .. so he and Billy Gates can sell more snake oil vaccines?/QUOTE]

Flip Flop? Fauci has garnered the wrath of Diaper Donald because he had the guts to proclaim the truth about the virus despite the fallacies portrayed bu Diaper Don Trump.
Perhaps ONCE in your pathetic troll life you might want to present some evidence. NO NO NO that is not your style. You just put out what you were TOLD to believe. Stay out of the sunshine. Wouldn't want you to turn to stone now would we? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

oh yeah? this truth or some other one?

Fauci has stepped in his own shit too many times to have any credibility now. i hear Trump has signed an EO to have Fauci executed .. by the CHINKO Virus. i heard it on CNN.


speaking of being told what to believe ..

actually Fauci IS right .. it isn't a big deal and all this is overblown crap.

oh yeah? this truth or some other one?

Fauci has stepped in his own shit too many times to have any credibility now. i hear Trump has signed an EO to have Fauci executed .. by the CHINKO Virus. i heard it on CNN.


speaking of being told what to believe ..

actually Fauci IS right .. it isn't a big deal and all this is overblown crap. Originally Posted by chefnerd
sounds like he's growing a conscience. You can only lie for so long, lol.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
CDC appears to be fudging numbers higher, and on top of that, they're also double counting cases to run the numbers up.
matchingmole's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Originally Posted by matchingmole