You two toolbags definetly got a sex tape out there, Carlos the cocksucker getting off The next shithead Winnie the poo mother fucker. Carlos after you swallow Nextie do you two snowball. Does he give you a reach around as he pounds your asshole with his little best thing. Share the tape, I am sure everyone will love it. This is like third grade good fun.The anger is palpable.
If anyone robs you then you must bit kind of a dumbass, Just saying fellas. You guys out to hook up with Paulie Buckfucker, if you ask nicer he will let you run a train on him. Originally Posted by mwpedro
shes a travellor so im outStill has the extra wide birthing hips but to her credit lost the gut somehow. Kudos to this prostitute despite the allegations of stealing from male lesbians.
I will say after seeing face pics , I would but
in the past alls I saw was body pics and thighs looked to linebackerish
and without knowing for sure the face wasn't busted
im sure as HELL not taking the word of anyone here Originally Posted by JONBALLS