Then there would be more than just his two self-gratifying double-click likes.
I can't use that damn GIF if you fags keep using it too. Use some originality folks. Please!
Seattle's militant marxist city council is determined to make a commune and Marxist paradise of the city.
yeah - capitol Hill went well - when the terrorists confronted mayor jenny at home she ended it.
hypocrite .
This will end badly - the police officers will leave the city - which will have no protection from terrorists and rioters - and will descend into utter anarchy, rioting, looting, arson, and many , many murders.
which - according the DPST guru hannah-jones - is not violence - it is marxist revolution and necessary.
Seattle is being sacrificed by the DPST's to illustrate who they are and what they want - the destruction of America and its represenative democracy.
They started just a bit too early in order to pacify their west coast Antifa and OBLM radical marxists.
It will become apparent to the majority of Americans what the DPST's and senile Biden are sellling - anarchy and marxism - and time for people to see clearly who and what the radicals of teh DPST party wish to do.
I am not a fan of Trump - i wish he would step down and let Pence run. But Trump and his policies are far better than the radical marxism and totalitarianism of the Leftist radicals.
Biden is just a tool for Bernie and AOC - to whom ideology is Uber Alles. Reality has no coin with the marxists and radicals.
Watch Seattle implode - it is alesson for America.
learn and take action - or Civil War will be the result.
Read something cogent for change - rather than the NY times and XiNN - 9500!!!
Get some professional help - and soon!!! - For One's own sake - 9500! Originally Posted by oeb11
ecky9.5k wants the revolution! and if it happens ecky9.5k will right there supporting it .. from the cheap seatsI won't be in the middle of it. That's for sure. My revolution has passed. Two generations. Not the Sixties. But the eighties. Then two more generations after. I'm here just as a historical reference.
i think he's gonna need a bigger pepsi to wash all that corn poop down
BAHHAHHAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Seattle's militant marxist city council is determined to make a commune and Marxist paradise of the city.9500 doesn't need any professional help, he's beyond help. What he needs is another drink and a ticket to Seattle where he can be with the rest of his fellow mutants, lol.
yeah - capitol Hill went well - when the terrorists confronted mayor jenny at home she ended it.
hypocrite .
This will end badly - the police officers will leave the city - which will have no protection from terrorists and rioters - and will descend into utter anarchy, rioting, looting, arson, and many , many murders.
which - according the DPST guru hannah-jones - is not violence - it is marxist revolution and necessary.
Seattle is being sacrificed by the DPST's to illustrate who they are and what they want - the destruction of America and its represenative democracy.
They started just a bit too early in order to pacify their west coast Antifa and OBLM radical marxists.
It will become apparent to the majority of Americans what the DPST's and senile Biden are sellling - anarchy and marxism - and time for people to see clearly who and what the radicals of teh DPST party wish to do.
I am not a fan of Trump - i wish he would step down and let Pence run. But Trump and his policies are far better than the radical marxism and totalitarianism of the Leftist radicals.
Biden is just a tool for Bernie and AOC - to whom ideology is Uber Alles. Reality has no coin with the marxists and radicals.
Watch Seattle implode - it is alesson for America.
learn and take action - or Civil War will be the result.
Read something cogent for change - rather than the NY times and XiNN - 9500!!!
Get some professional help - and soon!!! - For One's own sake - 9500! Originally Posted by oeb11
Stop using my fuckin' GIFs. (Your humor exceeds your petulance) Now you're on my nerves. I like that funny GIF. I don't want to have to retire it. As long as you (and the board) recognize I like Pepsi and fresh popcorn, I'll use it. "It's not yours", Mr. "Intellectual Property theif". Originally Posted by eccieuser9500HA! HA! HA!