Yet once again I have to remind you that the only objective information we have to go by, the polls, show no weakening of support for Biden.
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You are aware of the research that suggests that many people that will vote for Trump, will not admit it to pollsters, neighbors ( like myself ) and even other family members? It obviously happened in 2016 and will be even more so this time considering the vindictiveness shown to anybody suggesting they might be voting for Trump. Will it be enough, I have no idea. When I listen to the MSM, I do come away thinking that Trump doesn't have a chance in hell of winning and then I think there are surely many people like myself who simply will not announce their vote for Trump anywhere but on an anonymous message board.
And I'm still convinced that many people who were not going to vote for Trump before witnessing what the Democrat party will bring to their communities, a break down in law and order, perhaps only second to the economy, will hold their nose and vote Trump. We shall see.