The elephant in the room that no one wants to acknowledge

Criminals are usually not criminals due to their intellectual ability - more like disability. Originally Posted by oeb11
You're basically right when it comes to the average dummy on the street. On the other hand when it comes to a professional they do things a bit more methodical. Many of them never get caught believe it or not.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I understand where you are coming from. You say some racist shit I don't agree with on occasion, but you love college football like I do so whatever. As long as there is commonality, I don't give a fuck what people say. I just go with the flow because I don't give a shit. If we disagree on everything, we can always argue about college football and keep it light. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

some of the shit i say is intended to be inflammatory. doesn't always mean i really believe it. or maybe i do. the point is to keep people wondering.

dude if there's no college football season this year i'll go fucking crazy. lol. i'm a gotdam college football junkie. on Saturday's i watch games all day long. the noon games, the 3pm games .. the evening games. and i have a big ass 55" Panasonic HDTV with picture in picture so i can watch two games at once.

i even sometimes watch two games on my TV and a game on one of my monitors on the interwebs.

you are getting your NBA season. albeit an abbreviated one but there will be an NBA champion regardless of any asterisk. but every champ this year including baseball (not much of a fan i consider it boring but i do typically watch the World Serious because it's the World Series lol) and hockey and college ball will have one next to the eventual champion's name.

i am loathe to admit it but yer Lakers might win the big prize. i like the BronBron-Brow pairing. lol. obviously i mean Anthony Davis joining BronBon in LA. it was clearly working before they had to temporarily suspend the season. no reason even with the delay that LA won't at least get to the Finals and i would consider them the fav to take the cake.

and this from a lifelong Celtics fan .. you Lakers's arch enemy. you realize that if the Lakers win another title it will tie them for most ever with Boston, yeah? LA has 16 at the moment and Boston 17.

Which NBA Team Has Won The Most Championships?
  • Boston Celtics - 17. 1957, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1974, 1976, 1981, 1984, 1986, 2008.
  • Los Angeles Lakers - 16. ...
  • Golden State Warriors - 6. ...
  • Chicago Bulls - 6. ...
  • San Antonio Spurs - 5. ...
  • Philadelphia 76ers - 3. ...
  • Detroit Pistons - 3. ...
  • Miami Heat - 3.
like your dad, my dad also highly shaped the teams i root for to this day. two of them are the Boston Celtics and the Texas Longhorns. i became a Longhorns fan decades before i eventually moved to Texas. why? for many years the Texas v Texas A&M game was played and televised on Thanksgiving Day. so after half-ass watching that boring ass Macy's parade we'd watch the Texas v Texas A&M game. remember that there were only 3 TV networks back then. well 4 in my case because in Louisville we had WDRB, an independent station as a 4th option. that gave rise to Sunday morning "Space Church" .. Star Trek reruns! bahhaa

the reason i'm a diehard Longhorns fan is because my dad liked Coach Royal, who in his opinion was always classy in victory or defeat. didn't gloat when he won, didn't make excuses when he lost. A&M faggies may not agree but fuck them faggies!


i don't hate the Cowboys. don't love 'em either. i watch them out of general interest and if they do well that's fine and good for the DFW community and their many fans elsewhere in the country. if they fall flat i don't shed no tears for 'em.

i am in fact a long suffering Fins fan. going back to the glory days of Shula and Csonka, Kiick (who recently died) and the great defense they had in the 70's and the Danno era. not much to cheer about since then.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Speaking about college football, I received a big packet recently from one of the universities I graduated from. They sent it under the guise of an apology for not having fall sports. First of all, if you really like college football, you don't care to watch Ivy League football. They just wanted a donation. It was kind of funny to me. Just ask me for the money. Don't act like I care about watching shitty football. I've been an FSU fan since I was a tween. I don't give a fuck about watching Ivy League football. I wasn't going to watch them anyway. Fuck if I care that they cancelled the season.

I think the MAAC also cancelled their football season. I'm going to really miss watching Northern Illinois or whatever other teams are in that conference I never have paid attention to. I do feel genuinely bad for the seniors though. I can't and won't dismiss that fact.
Lou Spowells's Avatar
Speaking about college football, I received a big packet recently from one of the universities I graduated from. They sent it under the guise of an apology for not having fall sports. First of all, if you really like college football, you don't care to watch Ivy League football. They just wanted a donation. It was kind of funny to me. Just ask me for the money. Don't act like I care about watching shitty football. I've been an FSU fan since I was a tween. I don't give a fuck about watching Ivy League football. I wasn't going to watch them anyway. Fuck if I care that they cancelled the season.

I think the MAAC also cancelled their football season. I'm going to really miss watching Northern Illinois or whatever other teams are in that conference I never have paid attention to. I do feel genuinely bad for the seniors though. I can't and won't dismiss that fact. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
This isn't a sports thread, Lucas McCoon.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
This isn't a sports thread, Lucas McCoon. Originally Posted by Lou Spowells
I'd rather turn it to a sports thread rather than your constant dumb hillbilly racist shit. If you have a problem that I don't dislike black people, that's okay. Tell it to your fellow broke ass racist old white trash trailer park loser neighbors.

You're just a coward with a keyboard. You have fun with that. If I had a problem with black people, I would go say it to their face and I would never be an anonymous pussy hiding behind a keyboard on a whore board.
sportfisherman's Avatar
I would say Most of the shit I post is intended to be inflammatory.

I came across this board and found what seemed to be mostly Right leaning guys kinda having a free run of things with not much opposition.

So I jumped in spouting and spewing my bullshit.

I have no dislike for anybody in particular oeb,wyid,or waco.
Some may say ; "You could have fooled me".

But the thing is, when I was in school 45 years ago I learned of another theory of our Government.
That is "The Jet Stream Theory".

That's a group of men from all nationalities.They run things.
They have no allegiance to any country or political program whether it be called democracy,communism,socialism, fascism,etc.These are buzz words they use to their advantage.
Their only allegiance is to money and the power to always be on top and remain in power.

They are the moneyed Elite.
They own and control the media outlets,the munitions manufacturers,the banking,etc.

They advance countries economically and then loot them out.
They advance political processes to aid their interests.
They raise up candidates as long as they serve their interests until their usefulness runs out.
Many times these politicians don't even realize who is pulling the strings and the politician begins to actually believe their own bullshit.

Their agenda is to eventually bring about Economic Instability and Civil Discord and Unrest.

People will want to be "Safe".
The Federal Government will offer more Law Enforcement.
The Federal Government will offer economic warmth and coddling.

They will extend the "Noose" and we will give up many of our freedoms and place our heads in it.
It will be Loose at first but it will be slowly tightened.

It is my feeling that they will eventually be successful.
These guys do meet very discreetly and dispassionately plot their schemes.
I believe this can only be forestalled and it is by adhering somewhat to the middle that we can do so.

Our problem is not with each other.
Whether it is Trump or Biden,either one will be "Their Man".
Sometimes they may kinda prefer one over another but mostly it doesn't matter to them.

Anybody that thinks any of these politicians or the men behind them is "For Us" is dreaming.
sportfisherman's Avatar
LS ; your welcome and your bullshit is past wearing thin.

If you can't keep up ; you have to sit at the Kiddie Table.

I can't help myself.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Some may say I'm the biggest Conspiracy Theorist on here.

I would counter the conspiratorial nature I put forth is undoubtedly the only one that truly matters.

These lesser ones that come mainly from the Right at present are brought forth by these guys I'm talking about to arouse factions and a fractious environment that will help them along.

Either way ; we gonna get stuck with the knife , it's just a question as to whether it's gonna be from our left side or our right.

Probably both.
playerplano's Avatar
Agreed-- to a point. A lot of the crime in "high crime areas" is the sale and distribution of unmentionable substances. If sex between consenting adults should be legal... so should the ability to fuck ones own life up with substances, if that is what they choose. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Many of my friends disagree with me but I say the war on drugs has been an abysmal failure when drugs are EVERYWHERE. So I’m a fan of legalized everything and tax it to fund help for the ones who do have problems. Consenting adults should be able do do anything they want as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else.

Why is it the poorest places have the most crime ? They don’t have anything worth stealing lol. If people of color really cared the poorest neighborhoods could have almost no crime . Band together to keep the areas safe , clean and lift each other up. But that isn’t the culture is it ? Violence is the first option even for small children. No fathers , welfare driven incentives to be lazy and no education - maybe it is on purpose to keep the masses poor and ignorant.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I already agreed with a Tiny mind today on something. Da fuck?!? A lot to iteratively reprocess there. Regardless, I've got to go buy a lottery ticket today and set a calendar marker. Maybe check astronomy alignments, recalculate the matter and anit-matter symbiosis, moon phases and tide charts, if time allows. And here I thought I was just going to kick back with a couple Black and Tans in the hot tub today.
HoeHummer's Avatar
I always find discussions about criminals to be comical on a board FULL of people who could have been arrested for their actions at one point or another. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Thank yous for that! Yous are spot on and have exposed the hypocrisies of the so many of the forum cellar dwellers.

Amazed by the gall, bile and other bodily fluids regularly expelled to attack entire groups of people’s.

Funny stuff, agreed!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
some of the shit i say is intended to be inflammatory. doesn't always mean i really believe it. or maybe i do. the point is to keep people wondering.

dude if there's no college football season this year i'll go fucking crazy. lol. i'm a gotdam college football junkie. on Saturday's i watch games all day long. the noon games, the 3pm games .. the evening games. and i have a big ass 55" Panasonic HDTV with picture in picture so i can watch two games at once.

i even sometimes watch two games on my TV and a game on one of my monitors on the interwebs.

you are getting your NBA season. albeit an abbreviated one but there will be an NBA champion regardless of any asterisk. but every champ this year including baseball (not much of a fan i consider it boring but i do typically watch the World Serious because it's the World Series lol) and hockey and college ball will have one next to the eventual champion's name.

i am loathe to admit it but yer Lakers might win the big prize. i like the BronBron-Brow pairing. lol. obviously i mean Anthony Davis joining BronBon in LA. it was clearly working before they had to temporarily suspend the season. no reason even with the delay that LA won't at least get to the Finals and i would consider them the fav to take the cake.

and this from a lifelong Celtics fan .. you Lakers's arch enemy. you realize that if the Lakers win another title it will tie them for most ever with Boston, yeah? LA has 16 at the moment and Boston 17.

Which NBA Team Has Won The Most Championships?
  • Boston Celtics - 17. 1957, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969, 1974, 1976, 1981, 1984, 1986, 2008.
  • Los Angeles Lakers - 16. ...
  • Golden State Warriors - 6. ...
  • Chicago Bulls - 6. ...
  • San Antonio Spurs - 5. ...
  • Philadelphia 76ers - 3. ...
  • Detroit Pistons - 3. ...
  • Miami Heat - 3.
like your dad, my dad also highly shaped the teams i root for to this day. two of them are the Boston Celtics and the Texas Longhorns. i became a Longhorns fan decades before i eventually moved to Texas. why? for many years the Texas v Texas A&M game was played and televised on Thanksgiving Day. so after half-ass watching that boring ass Macy's parade we'd watch the Texas v Texas A&M game. remember that there were only 3 TV networks back then. well 4 in my case because in Louisville we had WDRB, an independent station as a 4th option. that gave rise to Sunday morning "Space Church" .. Star Trek reruns! bahhaa

the reason i'm a diehard Longhorns fan is because my dad liked Coach Royal, who in his opinion was always classy in victory or defeat. didn't gloat when he won, didn't make excuses when he lost. A&M faggies may not agree but fuck them faggies!


i don't hate the Cowboys. don't love 'em either. i watch them out of general interest and if they do well that's fine and good for the DFW community and their many fans elsewhere in the country. if they fall flat i don't shed no tears for 'em.

i am in fact a long suffering Fins fan. going back to the glory days of Shula and Csonka, Kiick (who recently died) and the great defense they had in the 70's and the Danno era. not much to cheer about since then. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I do enjoy your college football picks. Very incisive.
Grace Preston's Avatar

Why is it the poorest places have the most crime ? They don’t have anything worth stealing lol. If people of color really cared the poorest neighborhoods could have almost no crime . Band together to keep the areas safe , clean and lift each other up. But that isn’t the culture is it ? Violence is the first option even for small children. No fathers , welfare driven incentives to be lazy and no education - maybe it is on purpose to keep the masses poor and ignorant. Originally Posted by playerplano

Around here-- there is a collective of guys who have banded together (not calling it a gang due to connotations but...).. their mission is to keep everyone who seeks to sell anything more powerful than "herb".. off the block.

Their punishment for trying to keep the neighborhood safer-- is harassment by cops. In Cincinnati.. as long as you have less than 100g.. there is no ticket and no arrest, they just take your stuff. So.. they're constantly having their supply interfered with. We will literally have 3 cars show up for a shooting, but 11 for some herb. No joke and no exaggeration.

These same guys will randomly go up the block when business is slow.. and pick up trash on the side of the road and throw it into cans that some of us leave at the street (we're on the bus route). They've helped kids set up a "cokes and chips" stand on the street for the folk who come up looking for herbs... so the kids in the neighborhood make money from traffic already on the street. Its a fascinating little mini-economy.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Lest we forget about the mold on (and obviously in) the walls of the room where the big-ass elephant shits in.

White-Collar vs. Blue-Collar Crime

While often undramatic, white-collar crimes are unique in their ability to victimize many people at once and cause significant monetary damage. A 2015 study estimated that white-collar crime results in up to $600 billion in financial losses each year. Another study in 2016 estimated approximately 36% of businesses have been the victim of white-collar crimes in recent years.

White-collar crimes can cause a lot of damage, both to individuals and organizations. Therefore, investigating them thoroughly is vital to ensuring that more aren’t victimized.

White-collar criminals have another advantage – their affluence and connections. An article in Psychology Today argued that white-collar criminals “benefit from institutionalized non-enforcement practices, regulatory policies and legal representation not available” to other types of criminals. “As a result, white-collar criminals are extremely difficult to apprehend and prosecute, even when they do tremendous harm to society.”

In the long run, the crime that causes the most destruction is the crime of greed. Generations pay the cost.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Around here--

In Cincinnati..

(we're on the bus route).

It's a fascinating little mini-economy. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

Need to see those legs for myself.

Bus pass transfer from the airport.