Guess who just lost their job...

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Hydroxy and the zpack works for some. It doesn't work for everybody. Since the survival rate is not 99% for CV19 ... Originally Posted by adav8s28

The overall survival rate for it is 99.8%

Missed it by that .... much

PS: don't forget the zinc and bioflavinoids (quercetin) - muchos importanto.
LexusLover's Avatar
Diamond and Silk....too stupid ...even for Fox.

Originally Posted by matchingmole
mm has just PROVEN he's a misogynistic racist!

Nothing like an admission in writing!!!!

Thank you for finally showing your true colors, wacko!
Hydroxy and the zpack works for some. It doesn't work for everybody. Since the survival rate is not 99% for CV19, the best thing to do is hide from virus as best you can until the vaccine comes. The professor from Stanford argued that the USA should just go for Herd Immunity. Unfortunately, that would result in too many deaths. With just 12% of the USA population being infected there is 160,000 deaths already. We have practiced 50% shutdown for certain periods of time. Just going for Herd Immunity would have resulted in anywhere from 1 - 3 million deaths. The math has already been posted. The vaccine should work although it may not be available until April 2021. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Hahahaha, No treatment for Covid-19 until they role out the Vaccine, lol. What a dummy. There will be more sick people after the vaccine than there ever was before it.