they were loosing their minds
anger just flowing out
of every orifice on thebody
beyond just the normal. 3 and a half YEARS of anger
building and building , building anger after EVERY defeat upon defeat
this went way beyond the normal
I hate murica ramblings , I mean just THINK
poor michelle oblama has had to get special permits
just to build a hawiaan mansion since leaving the white house (the white house, if that's not anger inducing ENOUGH)
Russia Russia , impeachment , everyday nonstop bad news
before ALL getting together
for a tremendously boring
fizzle flop "convention"
just wait till no one watches
and they cant even stand themselves
so out the other side they are REALLY
going to want people to PAY for
their misserable existance
what next after they go home an\\
yell at the wife and kick the dog around
YES they will turn it on anyone that even tries to smile
and Loed geeshus DONT
crack a joke
DO NOT go out to dinner
and ABOVE all
DO NOT laugh or show any sign of life enjoyment
you been warned