Oh Wow...the Coronavirud Stimulus Proposal from GOP was blocked🙁

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
fuck stimulus
Grace Preston's Avatar
There’s help wanted signs everywhere you look. Best thing for the economy is to do nothing. Too many slobs wanting to kick back and live off others with unemployment and bonus checks. Being broke AF is a great motivator. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

I agree... to a point.

I make slightly north of 50k/year at my job. Now-- lets say I was still furloughed.... and I lost that extra unemployment, like everyone else. Now I'm in a position-- do I take a job at one of the many places that is hiring (at $10/hr) and not be able to pay my bills? Or do I stay home and not be able to pay my bills? Then you have folk who are younger than I.. who have kids who are still child care age.

Its just like folks talking about unemployment in rust belt states. Yeah-- there are people hiring, for about half what many folks are used to making. People are working 2 jobs to try to keep their lives from imploding.

The vast majority of people prefer to be productive.
Gotyour6's Avatar
The vast majority of people wish that this country would stop with the politic bullshit and open back up so people can work.

This virus bullshit is getting boring and anyone that requires a mask is pandering to the paranoid.

If masks work then mandate them so we can get back to work.
If they dont then stop trying to make it look like we are at risk and for God sakes please stop thinking they prevent anything. They dont.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
The vast majority of people wish that this country would stop with the politic bullshit and open back up so people can work.

This virus bullshit is getting boring and anyone that requires a mask is pandering to the paranoid.

If masks work then mandate them so we can get back to work.
If they dont then stop trying to make it look like we are at risk and for God sakes please stop thinking they prevent anything. They dont. Originally Posted by Gotyour6

as an article I posted recently, if you can shop safely in covid pandemic, you can vote in person safely, goto work safely, do business with other people safely.

we didn't shut down businesses in all 3 major pandemics in the 20th century (1918, 1956, 1968)
  • oeb11
  • 09-13-2020, 01:56 PM
DPST's do love their government control to shut down the economy - and force their sheeple onto the dependent plantation of racial identity politics.

Just a foreatste of what they have planned under a totalitarian harris Rule.

she will make Stalin look like a rank amateur.

See- lizzie[s position papers, and Lenin and Stalin's take on ruling terror to subdue the peoples.
The economy and the constitution and billl of Rights will be destroyed - and every weapon in private hands and police hands will be confiscated.

If the military let's the DPST's have their marxist racist plan.
Grace Preston's Avatar
What businesses are still closed by government mandate? Not being sarcastic-- being serious. Because it appears that everything around me is open. Now-- I know in the far left states, they've gone a bit looney with it.. but that frankly has nothing to do with me in Ohio-- nor the majority of you in Texas.
  • oeb11
  • 09-13-2020, 02:04 PM
Bars are still closed in Texas -

yet Walmart is open 24-7!

Show me the science where that distinction inhibits the spread of wuhan virus.

show me the science - Please!
And no - not Fauci's paid for opinion.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Yeah.. the bars bit is stupid. Most bar owners I know went and got themselves reclassified (if they could) to a restaurant to skirt the order.

As to the "science". I don't feel its scientific-- I feel its more than people who are drinking are more apt to not follow social distancing guidelines--- but I don't feel there is an ounce of science to it.

However-- instead of spreading vitriol at someone who... oh I don't know... agrees with the mandates being stupid-- spend that time writing those in office who have the ability to affect change...
  • oeb11
  • 09-13-2020, 02:12 PM
how many folks in walmart follow social distancing guidelines,

- touching merchandise and putting it back, not follow6 foot distancing, not wearing masks.

and how many in Walmart have been drinking before entering the store?????

Bars are likely much safer than Walmart!
Grace Preston's Avatar
You'll get no argument from me on that. Which.. really leaves the only remaining argument--- Groceries are a necessity-- throwing one back with the boys at the bar is not.

I still don't agree with it-- but there it is. Plus.. you gotta know Republicans are loving the opportunity to shut down those evil. alcohol filled dens of sin.

Speaking of-- does that mean that the Strip Clubs are still shut down in Texas?
lustylad's Avatar
Bars are still closed in Texas -

yet Walmart is open 24-7!

Show me the science where that distinction inhibits the spread of wuhan virus.

show me the science - Please!
And no - not Fauci's paid for opinion. Originally Posted by oeb11
Here ya go... both the NYT and the WSJ explain.

The "science" is based on contact tracing of people who got the virus.

Outdoor bars are less risky than enclosed, indoor bars. I love to patronize bars, but I probably won't be resuming my previous lifestyle until a vaccine is distributed.


  • oeb11
  • 09-13-2020, 02:27 PM
The issue of contact tracing is moot - the virus is out of the box - and the tests are from many manufacturers and have unreliable high false neg and pos results - the tests are inherently unreliable - along with the reporting system from hospitals due to financial incentives to over-report wuhan virus cases and deaths.

The studies are based on flawed assumptions as to the accuracy of the antigen tests.

Some of the testing is antibody testing - and meaningless for practical purposes.
lustylad's Avatar
The issue of contact tracing is moot - the virus is out of the box - and the tests are from many manufacturers and have unreliable high false neg and pos results - the tests are inherently unreliable - along with the reporting system from hospitals due to financial incentives to over-report wuhan virus cases and deaths.

The studies are based on flawed assumptions as to the accuracy of the antigen tests.

Some of the testing is antibody testing - and meaningless for practical purposes. Originally Posted by oeb11
What does "moot" mean? Invalid?

Most incorrect test results are false negatives, not false positives. For negative tests, no contact tracing occurs. If a test comes back positive, it is almost certain that the person is infected.

Given a large sample of infected people, if more say they visited a bar in the previous 2 weeks than a shopping mall, we can confidently state the risk is higher for bars. In some cases, it's possible to identify "super-spreader" events where dozens of people who test positive say they attended the same event.

It's not rocket science, but it is "science" insofar as we are looking for and measuring data correlations.

Read the links I provided for you.
  • oeb11
  • 09-13-2020, 02:56 PM
False negative - a negative test for a person infected with wuhan virus.
i have read far more medical literature on the matter than anyone on site - thank You.

including the complete CDC site on wuhan virus.
lustylad's Avatar
False negative - a negative test for a person infected with wuhan virus. Originally Posted by oeb11
Agreed. And negative results don't trigger any contact tracing. We don't ask people where they might have picked up a virus if we don't think they're sick. Ergo, false negatives cannot invalidate or make "moot" (as you put it) the contact tracing data, because those people aren't even included in said data. Only if and when they re-test (accurately) as positive for the virus, do we know the first test was false. THEN we ask them for their recent contact information.