In case you missed it.

You're the racist!

Fuck antifa Originally Posted by winn dixie
Is Antifa a white supremacist organization?

“White supremacist extremists, from a lethality standpoint over the last two years, particularly when you look at 2018 and 2019, are certainly the most persistent and lethal threat when we talk about domestic violent extremists,” said Chad Wolf, who has been heading the Department of Homeland Security in an acting capacity since late last year.

“Racially motivated violent extremism,” mostly from white supremacists, has made up a majority of domestic terrorism threats, Mr. Wray told the House Homeland Security Committee. "Within the domestic terrorism bucket, the category as a whole, racially motivated violent extremism is, I think, the biggest bucket within that larger group. And within the racially motivated violent extremist bucket, people subscribing to some kind of white supremacist-type ideology is certainly the biggest chunk of that," he said.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trump is a racist. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

prove it.

which is more dangerous .. a racist who won't admit he's a racist or a racist who doesn't know he's a racist? answer the second question first

prove it.

which is more dangerous .. a racist who won't admit he's a racist or a racist who doesn't know he's a racist? answer the second question first

BAHHAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Prove he isn’t
HedonistForever's Avatar
Prove he isn’t Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Let's see. He let his daughter marry a Jew. Moved the Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem and supports the State of Israel in every way imaginable, so I think that covers the Jewish issue.

He signed the First Step Act in the Criminal Justice Reform Bill and granted Clemency and Pardons to numerous Black people

And he hired
Omarosa Manigault Newman

That's proof right there because no self respecting White Supremacist would be caught dead in her company.

winn dixie's Avatar
Pc culture is failing. Americans are fed up with these riots and the agendas behind them! Today was a great day! No charges against the Officers in louisville. The people are "woke"! "Woke" to the socialist and bigotry the left is promoting!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Prove he isn’t Originally Posted by 1blackman1

NO. i already showed he isn't racist by giving the common racist excuse example of securing the border. which is not racist.

you now must give case to prove he is


1b1 ZERO

yer up!

by the way if you can't or won't give a counter example i WIN
pleasurem's Avatar
You are being fooled!!!
Fooled... Biden is the racist!!! He’s been around since 73, and he has a history of it!
Trump is not a racist!!! What has Biden actually done for anyone?
Like I said earlier, you are stuck on the plantation, the government will never help you, they want you as a voter, but they won’t let you actually get away!!! Wake up!!!!!!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You are being fooled!!!
Fooled... Biden is the racist!!! He’s been around since 73, and he has a history of it!
Trump is not a racist!!! What has Biden actually done for anyone?
Like I said earlier, you are stuck on the plantation, the government will never help you, they want you as a voter, but they won’t let you actually get away!!! Wake up!!!!!! Originally Posted by pleasurem

Joey doesn't want his kiddies being bused .. to da jungle!

oh my! Joey gots some 'splaining to do!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
1b1 - You are a purveyor of OBLM racist marxism to people who reject your own Racism and desire for America to be burned to the ground.

Your OBLm has already burned Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis , Balitmore, and other cities run by your DPST masters - yes - Masters - look at the DPST debate stage - and see the Lily white Masters who know they own you and all blacks by right of Plantation politics.

and use OBLM to further their marxist overthrow of America.

An OBLM which shares the agenda and beliefs of their DPST White masters!

Black and OBLM are just a tool to the DPST Masters of the Plantation - 1b1

Wake up - The DPST Masters are happy to put OBLM in the forefront of the Civil War - why they snuggle in their safe houses and shelters.

and 1b1 - too besotted with DPST XiNN propaganda to see how blacks are used and abused by the Plantation masters of the DPST party!! Originally Posted by oeb11

you need to start calling him as 0b0 instead of 1b1. the dudes a zero.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Prove he isn’t Originally Posted by 1blackman1

al sharpton and jessse jackson who knew trump for years. why have they not called him racist.

hershel walker says trump is no racist and has seen racism up front.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Let's see. He let his daughter marry a Jew. Moved the Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem and supports the State of Israel in every way imaginable, so I think that covers the Jewish issue.

He signed the First Step Act in the Criminal Justice Reform Bill and granted Clemency and Pardons to numerous Black people

And he hired
Omarosa Manigault Newman

That's proof right there because no self respecting White Supremacist would be caught dead in her company.

Originally Posted by HedonistForever

he also has a black man running redevelopment agency in the I think Commerce department.

he also has a brain surgeon in charge of a cabinet level department.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
NO. i already showed he isn't racist by giving the common racist excuse example of securing the border. which is not racist.

you now must give case to prove he is


0b0 ZERO

yer up!

by the way if you can't or won't give a counter example i WIN Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

hes def a zero!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You are being fooled!!!
Fooled... Biden is the racist!!! He’s been around since 73, and he has a history of it!
Trump is not a racist!!! What has Biden actually done for anyone?
Like I said earlier, you are stuck on the plantation, the government will never help you, they want you as a voter, but they won’t let you actually get away!!! Wake up!!!!!! Originally Posted by pleasurem

biden was the one who wrote the busing bill that destroyed community schools across the country. whites and blacks were opposed to it.
Trump’s a racist. It’s all good though. He’s promised to disappear (likely because he is going to be fighting the multitude of criminal charge that’ll be brought in New York) if he loses the election. I’ll be doing my part to try to ensure that occurs in 2 weeks. Early voting can’t come soon enough.
You are being fooled!!!
Fooled... Biden is the racist!!! He’s been around since 73, and he has a history of it!
Trump is not a racist!!! What has Biden actually done for anyone?
Like I said earlier, you are stuck on the plantation, the government will never help you, they want you as a voter, but they won’t let you actually get away!!! Wake up!!!!!! Originally Posted by pleasurem
biden has so many personality pathologies its hard to keep up

from his histrionic personality disorder - from Wikipedia "a pattern of excessive attention seeking behaviors, usually beginning in early childhood, including inappropriate seduction and an excessive need for approval. People diagnosed with the disorder are said to be lively, dramatic, vivacious, enthusiastic, and flirtatious. They may exhibit sexually provocative behavior, express strong emotions with an impressionistic style, and can be easily influenced by others. Associated features include egocentrism, self-indulgence, continuous longing for appreciation, and persistent manipulative behavior to achieve their own needs.

he exhibits an inability to let others have the limelight, where he inserts himself in false heroic ways in events and because he is a deceitful boaster

the chinese have a word for it , the chinese word 吹牛

it is a word that doesn't translate well but its being a braggart and boaster but the source is untrue

of course then there are his plagiarisms, its almost impossible for him to not lie about the smallest personal thing, his plagiarisms are part of that for they make him look astute for the moment and that's his payoff, any brief moment feeds him

perhaps his worst trait is his planned, manipulative, situational, surreptitious sexual assaults, where he has thought out how to arrange this accomplishment, but the camera doesn't lie

is he a racist? I think he is open to that, definitely. more so personally than corporately. but he is also a go alonger to get alonger, where he has no self-directed conviction but moves with the crowd and how the wind is blowing, he could have been the most zealous of guillotiners, or conversely, help out in a soup kitchen, depends on his influences and the situsation

all of biden's issues do fit nicely into the histrionic personality order syndrome in some fashion. .

is trump a racist? not from his actions. but because he doesn't bend to political correctness and he says things as he see them, without cowering, the left misuses his words and applies incorrect intent and accuses him of such without cessation