The son of a bitch is faking it

I can see your POV on alot of this. He still comes across as an entitled child to me using the office for his own personal gain. Has a documented history of it, regardless how much $$$ he throws at lawyers to hide it. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Oh yeah, I don't go in for this "good man" let alone "godly man" bullshit. The best leaders are the ones who have the job thrust upon them and end up wearing it well. Everyone has an agenda, but anyone who wants to be "in charge" of anything has even more of an agenda.

"Good people" do exist. I know 2. And I've had to be a "Bad person" in order to move them to a better station in life, because they lack the will to harm a blade of grass. Otherwise there's mostly just "people", and I expect people to do what they think is in their best interest, even if it isn't. "Bad people" are just people who're doing something they think is in their best interest, and it happens to be against your best interest. The "Bad people" don't think they're bad people. In fact, they probably think you're "Bad people" for trying to stop them.
Precious_b's Avatar
Job thrust upon them.
True leadership comes out under fire. You are right about that. I've taken to reading naval books of late. Nothing more tighter and tradition bound than the Navy. And when you get the sons of those that served, they try to meet the challenge. But when the shells are volleyed, you will see some people from the lowest parts of the ship come out and exceed the leadership and duty of Annapolis finest.

Sorry to ramble. But definitely understand what you mean. And I don't see these qualities from the current resident of the White House whose one tradition he has held on to was to duck military service.
I have my doubts about he being infected with COVID-19. I have the feeling that he is just weaseling out of another disaster debate where he made us the laughing stock of the whole world.

I hope I am wrong and the he spends a couple of months on a respirator. Originally Posted by foxnews69
Another caring asshole. I hope you awake with a respirator up your ass.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...True leadership comes out under fire. .. Originally Posted by Precious_b

Can you think of a President under more Fire than Trump? I mean on the domestic enemies front?
winn dixie's Avatar
Can you think of a President under more Fire than Trump? I mean on the domestic enemies front? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
And he beats them all. All Trump has to do is wave his laser pointer and they all jump at it like a bunch of cats.
I'm not going to pretend to know all the nuances of DC belt politics and the backroom bullshit, but I can't help but to think that ANYONE that can divert Pelosi's full attention to make them gone must be doing something right.
Precious_b's Avatar
Can you think of a President under more Fire than Trump? I mean on the domestic enemies front? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Really? He's under fire?
Only thing he takes flak on is whatever he is ducking out on.

You confuse "under fire" for a situation you face head on, address, and comes through with adroit actions.

Sticking to the naval parlance of my post, trump ain't no LtCmdr Robert Copeland.