[QUOTE=the_real_Barleycorn;1062 243341]Most people do not think Biden won. Some people think Biden won but when asked...they don't have an answer. As for fossil fuel, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, Texas, South Dakota, and Louisiana all have oil fields and an oil industry.
Also, for some people, it was the first we heard about the laptop, Hunter, and the big guy.[/QUOTE
Unfortunately for you almost every poll I've seen on the debates has Biden winning both debates.
But to be fair:
CNN, yes I realize it is CNN, after the debate had 11 undecided voters from NC, a battleground state, interviewed as to their thoughts on the debate. 9 thought Biden won. 2 thought it was a tie. That leaves 0 (zero) who thought Trump won.
Yes, Louisiana, SD, and Oklahoma have oil fields but they are not battleground states. They are safe Republican states. Texas may or may not be. Pennsylvania is the only for certain battleground state which may be impacted by Biden's statement.
In 2016, it is estimated that 10-15% of voters who went to the polls were undecided until the last few days and the majority voted for Trump. In 2020, it is estimated that only 5% of voters are undecided and when those voters are pressed to make a choice, it is 50-50 as to which candidate they prefer at the present time. It is doubtful that unsubstantiated claims about Joe Biden being involved in any remotely illegal way in Hunter Biden's life will come into play in the next 9 days.