Ladies leaving or being banned

LazurusLong's Avatar
A game of Clue anyone? Originally Posted by LazurusLong
LMAO that's hilarious
A game of Clue anyone? Originally Posted by LazurusLong

Pretty much sums it up. Apparently we are bargain hunters, time wasters, and big mouths.

On the other hand, I have seen a lack of services and rates in the ads so I can see her frustration. Mine too.
First I would like to say Tara is a good person and she was in a position here where she was led to believe she could do anything and it would be OK. It didn't turn out that way. I continue to see her and enjoy her.

Now for the large number of increases in the showcases, I am not so sure that is accurate because I know ladies who are not in the business or active on this board still have showcases.

I also know of girls who have quit advertising on ECCIE and do not want reviews on here for lots of reasons. Basically sick of what they term cheap asses and false statements about them. I still hear how dirty and smelly some guys are and how sick some of their requests are.

It appears to me there are many new young girls entering from BP and would bet the majority are managed, just my guess. It also appears to many more reviews of BP girls in percentage to regular ECCIE providers than in the past.

There are many websites besides here for the girls to advertise on and they tell me they get $50 to $150 more per hour. If you notice the Houston board is getting almost as many Dallas girls advertising as Houston girls. They all say they make much more money there.

Is any of this true? I don't know but this is what I have been told by numerous girls. You must remember that is their perception and perception is reality in their minds.

I am sure there is some truth in their minds and generally where there is smoke there is fire!
PoppyToyota's Avatar
Tara is a wonderful friend to me. She takes pride in making our time special and enjoyable. I never had a problem with her as far as pm's and such. I think it's a great experience and have never had a bad time when we're together.
hwygnome's Avatar
Oh the sound of thundering hooves.

Ladies leaving by choice would be because they are done here and this life. They could be moving on to other things or the cash is better in other places. Or they want fewer road(bad) apples to avoid.

For those that don't know what road apples are. Watch the rear end of the horse.

The following quotes are items I like or agree with totally. These and other posters that mirror these comments kind of give you one view of why ladies have a lower activity level here. And I mean the real females not those acting/posing like them.

From Lazarus
The biggest issue I hear is that the number of 'self important reviewers" on ECCIE who think that because they make claims they can make or break providers with threats of bad reviews or posts in other reviews, become a non issue the moment a provider stops posting ads here and trying to get reviews here.
If a provider has put ALL her income eggs in ONE basket, namely ECCIE, she is at the mercy of those self-appointed review fuckers.
From tigercat
I never considered myself a cheap fuck. Guess I did not realize so many guys use this site as leverage over a lady's business. I always figured that the guys on BP, etc. were the cheap fucks, trying to find a lady to do A, B, and C for less than the last lady. Me, I guess I am so thankful that a cute lady will see a balding, grey haired overweight old fart like myself, I try to treat them like gold.

I do agree that a lady should never have all her eggs in one basket. When ASPD crashed, how many ladies were left scrambling to re-work their business model? At least by belonging to more than one board, a lady can determine where the underworld of providing has migrated to. Not like you are going to see an ad in the Dallas Morning News.
Ladies leaving because they were banned is pretty much explainable even if the reason is not public. And those gals with too many whiteknights on horseback defending them tends to be buried in the road apples from said Knights. The shit pile just gets bigger.

From Bubba
If they consistaly get called out on their bad behavior, they will either quit or end up getting banned because they will stike back outside the rules
Sorry no list on either group since I only keep a mental list and it seems to be lost somewhere in the filing cabinet or did it end up in the trash.
A game of Clue anyone? Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Still promoting your shill site? How do you keep up with all your fake handles?
Still promoting your shill site? How do you keep up with all your fake handles? Originally Posted by Larrydumbass
Really? Still taking threads off topic with bullshit questions?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
People come and go all the time. What I have noticed is not so much an increase in turnover, but the more established members, including providers making fewer posts.
..... Originally Posted by Bubba3452
Bubba hit the proverbial nail on the head. There used to be a lot of very prolific and interesting posters. Many of the older folks who have been around a long time, well, they see the same type of posts over and over and it's not as interesting to respond to. But others always follow to fill in the holes left by ones who aren't around any longer.

I love ECCIE and it's my number one home, but I just do not post like I used to. I occasionally post a topic here and there but when I do post a topic and it goes south for one reason or another, I always hesitate to start a new one because I don't wish to deal with the bother of it.

Spotted Dick, anyone?

At any rate, there always seems to be a newer batch of interesting posters that come up and take up the slack. Females and males. I do miss some of the more ballsy females who used to post so much in days past. I cannot name names right now, heck, I cannot think of them ... but I do miss some of the old banter from years back.

It's still all good. There is a shift of "type" somewhat, of posters today. But that's just a reflection, I think, of the change of this industry these days.

I don't see any other website of this nature having the same quality and the ability to express oneself and banter that is any better than this one, though. And the inherent growth of ECCIE is a good and positive thing for both of the sexes.

"I never considered myself a cheap fuck. Guess I did not realize so many guys use this site as leverage over a lady's business. I always figured that the guys on BP, etc. were the cheap fucks, trying to find a lady to do A, B, and C for less than the last lady. Me, I guess I am so thankful that a cute lady will see a balding, grey haired overweight old fart like myself, I try to treat them like gold"

Very well said Tigercat, I agree with you and one more thing to point out, everyone deserves to be treated respectfully.......