Does Kc eccie have a Social?

JRLawrence's Avatar
There was LE infiltration of one Houston social. The people arrested had outstanding warrants. Dallas social announcements were more discreet - a yahoo group, I think. The Houston event had nothing to do with ASPD shutdown: Originally Posted by saustin
That is a nice thought! The fact about that event is: it was widely covered on the news, with photographs and video of the arrests of ladies arriving at the event. A lot of people had outstanding warrants, that only tells us to be selective with the people we see.

Social events can be fun, but it only takes one crazy person to ruin it for everyone. Please be careful.

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Agree with KCQ and BigDeal.
I've tried to bring a gal to the ones I've been to, and that worked well. I know the gal(s) swapped contact data with guys and gals.
And, meeting the guys leads to greater understanding of comments they make in reviews.
And yes, invite only, and only vouched folks, is the rule nowadays.
One of the Texas guys has a how to list that's perfect to plagiarize for M&G setups.