Both Hawley and Cruz are expected to seek the GOP nomination for president in 2024, and their moves at this stage are widely seen as efforts to ingratiate themselves with Trump and his supporters. Cruz was runner-up to Trump in 2024. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
FACTUAL BASIS FOR CLAIMS22.Section 304 of BCRA imposes a $250,000 limit on an authorized campaign committee’s use of post-election campaign contributions to repay a candidate’s personal campaign loans:
Any candidate who incurs personal loans made after the effective date of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 in connection with the candidate’s campaign for election shall not repay (directly or indirectly), to the extent such loans exceed $250,000, such loans from any contributions made to such candidate or any authorized committee of such candidate after the date of such election.52 U.S.C. § 30116(j).
There is something about this that reminds me of religious zealots, blasphemy, and the crusades. Originally Posted by VitaManThere is still a large swath in certain states that want to be free to lynch you and I. With impunity. Be sanctioned by the government to do so. Be given arms by the government to do so. Walk away and just go home back to their state. Sound familiar?
Q: What motivated the crusades that took place between 1095–1204?
A: This is a very large question. Historians have suggested several different motivations – religious, political, social, economic. To highlight a few definite motivating factors: I think the papacy granting a ‘remission of sins’ in the 12th century – which will eventually be formulated as the plenary indulgence – is a driving force. People want to be free from their sins, to try to wipe the slate clean, and they know that crusading will assure them that spiritual privilege. You only have to look at someone like Robert of Clari [a knight from Picardy] talking about the Fourth Crusade, saying people joined because the crusade indulgence was so great.
Why are dims so scared of any kind of a real investigation into voter fraud.
Voter confidence has never been lower! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Ron Johnson was on NBC this morning. He's one of Cruz's partners in this. He mentioned 1877 as an analogy for what these Senators are trying to do.The fact that you don't recognize voter irregularities occurring across many states throws tons of doubt on your opinion about anything. This is more than Trump like the left tries to argue. This is about elections this cycle and future elections to come. While everyone in the media is talking about Trump there have also been some irregularities in congressional and senate elections. Some have not even been called yet as they keep "finding" uncounted votes.
In that election, Samuel Tilden, the Democrat, won the popular vote by 3%. The disputed electoral votes were mostly in southern states that historically were strongholds for the Democratic Party. The Republicans managed to have them counted for their candidate, Rutherford B. Hayes.
Basically, the Republicans stole the election. They managed to keep the peace though by ending reconstruction in the south and throwing a lot of money to the southern states. They actually agreed to do that as part of the deal.
So perhaps there are some parallels with what's happening now. The Republican Senators want to overturn the results in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, which now are blue states.
The big difference is that there was actual voter fraud occurring in 1876 on a large scale. Also Biden this year won the electoral college and the popular vote more convincingly than Tilden. And all the states have certified the electoral results.
Here's the rest of the story, summarized from Wikipedia,
After the first round of votes, the 1876 election between Rutherford B. Hayes, Republican, and Samuel Tilden, Democrat, ended with Tilden at 184 votes and Hayes at 165 votes. A candidate needed 185 votes to win, and Florida, South Carolina, Louisiana and Oregon, accounting for 20 votes, were in dispute.
Florida, Louisiana and South Carolina all reported more votes for Tilden, the Democrat, who again only needed one more electoral vote to win. Those elections were marked by real (not imagined) electoral fraud and threats of violence against Republican voters.
I suspect you could safely say though that these southern, Democratic (in 1876) states would have voted for Tilden, in free and fair elections.
An electoral commission with representatives from the Supreme Court, the House and the Senate was appointed to come up with a solution. In a highly partisan vote, Hayes was awarded all 20 disputed electoral votes, and thus won, 185 to 184.
Democrats accepted the results peacefully, because Republicans agreed to withdraw federal troops from South Carolina and Louisiana, and to a lot of federal subsidies, including a Transcontinental railroad through the south. Originally Posted by Tiny
All because of you and yours. Your baseless claims don't rate investigations. The claims that had some evidence have been investigated. That's how they know only 2 dead people voted in Georgia.The trick word is "widespread". The fraud was targeted to six states and it was not widespread. It was in a few counties and cities that could be counted on to have corrupt officials. So, a "straight arrow" like Barr could say with complete honestly that he saw "no widespread fraud". Forget plain old irregularities and incompetence. Forget that fact that Barr had not seen all the evidence which he said so.
No one said there were no fraud or mistake votes. Even Barr said there is no wide spread cases.
No evidence, no investigation.
What's unbelievable is the trumpys disregarded all the evidence in the Mueller report and when trump was impeached.
Now there is no evidence and the trumpys want to overturn the election.
Stay in trumpland. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman